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WPT Global is available to play on your computer in both Windows and Mac versions, as well as on your mobile device, whether it’s Android or iOS. The steps to start enjoying your experience on WPT Global are simple and intuitive.

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WPT Global is available to play on your computer in both Windows and Mac versions, as well as on your mobile device, whether it’s Android or iOS.

How to Play WPT Global on Your Computer 2024

How to Play WPT Global on Your Computer Downloading the Software 1. Visit the Official Site: Go to the WPT Global website or use affiliate links provided by poker news sites. 2. Start the Download: Click on the “Download” button specific to your operating system (Windows or Mac). 3. Install the Application: 3.1 For Windows: Open the downloaded file from your “Downloads” folder. Follow the installation instructions. 3.2 For Mac:

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Play Poker Online and Win Real Money. Stay up to date with the latest version of the WPT Global client software, and learn more about each new feature! +18. Terms and Conditions Apply.

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Will I receive a bonus if I register for WPT Global? If you register for WPT Global from our website, you will receive luxurious exclusive benefits. To receive the bonus, simply enter the bonus code “WPT777” when registering for WPT Global. If you have not yet registered for WPT Global, enter the bonus code to receive the benefits. 2024/05/03

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Council of Ministers - Chief Minister of Assam

Breadcrumb Asset Publisher NAME Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma PORTFOLIOChief Minister of Assam, Home, Personnel, Public Works, Health & Family Welfare, Medical Education and Research, Indigenous & Tribal faith and Culture (Except Directorates of Library & Museum and Directorate of Archaeology ), Any other Department not allotted to any other Minister CONTACTAddress: J Block, Lok Sewa Bhawan, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361- 2262222 / 2237468 NAME Shri Ranjeet Kumar Dass PORTFOLIOPanchayat & Rural Development, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, General Administration CONTACTAddress: Block-B, 1st Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237009 NAME Shri Atul Bora PORTFOLIOAgriculture & Horticulture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Border Area Protection & Development, Implementation of Assam Accord CONTACTAddress: Chamber No. C-013, Block- C, Ground Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237008 NAME Shri Keshab Mahanta PORTFOLIOTransport, Fisheries, Excise , Science & Technology and Climate Change, Information Technology Department CONTACTAddress: Chamber No. A-012, Block- A, Ground Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237063 NAME Shri Urkhao Gwra Brahma PORTFOLIOHandloom & Textile, Soil Conservation, Welfare of Bodoland CONTACTAddress: Block-D, 3rd Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237228 NAME Shri Chandra Mohan Patowary PORTFOLIOEnvironment & Forests, Act East Policy Affairs, Welfare of Minorities CONTACTAddress: Chamber No. C-228, Block- F, Second Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237014 NAME Dr. Ranoj Pegu PORTFOLIOEducation (Higher, Secondary and Elementary), Tribal Welfare, indigenous and tribal faith and culture department (Directorates of library and museum) CONTACTAddress: Chamber no. 219, B-2, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati Phone No: 0361-2237231 NAME Shri Ashok Singhal PORTFOLIOHousing & Urban Affairs, Irrigation Department CONTACTAddress: Block- E, Ground Floor, , Janata Bhavan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237312 NAME Shri Jogen Mohan PORTFOLIORevenue & Disaster Management, Hills Area Development, Mines & Minerals CONTACTAddress: Chamber No. D-101, Block- D, First Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237093 NAME Shri Sanjoy Kishan PORTFOLIOWelfare of Tea Tribes, Labour Welfare CONTACTAddress: Block - E, 1st Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237003 PORTFOLIO Chief Minister of Assam, Home, Personnel, Public Works, Health & Family Welfare, Medical Education and Research, Indigenous & Tribal faith and Culture (Except Directorates of Library & Museum and Directorate of Archaeology ), Any other Department not allotted to any other Minister CONTACT Address: J Block, Lok Sewa Bhawan, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361- 2262222 / 2237468 PORTFOLIO Panchayat & Rural Development, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, General Administration CONTACT Address: Block-B, 1st Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237009 PORTFOLIO Agriculture & Horticulture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Border Area Protection & Development, Implementation of Assam Accord CONTACT Address: Chamber No. C-013, Block- C, Ground Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237008 PORTFOLIO Transport, Fisheries, Excise , Science & Technology and Climate Change, Information Technology Department CONTACT Address: Chamber No. A-012, Block- A, Ground Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237063 PORTFOLIO Handloom & Textile, Soil Conservation, Welfare of Bodoland CONTACT Address: Block-D, 3rd Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237228 PORTFOLIO Environment & Forests, Act East Policy Affairs, Welfare of Minorities CONTACT Address: Chamber No. C-228, Block- F, Second Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237014 PORTFOLIO Education (Higher, Secondary and Elementary), Tribal Welfare, indigenous and tribal faith and culture department (Directorates of library and museum) CONTACT Address: Chamber no. 219, B-2, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati Phone No: 0361-2237231 PORTFOLIO Housing & Urban Affairs, Irrigation Department CONTACT Address: Block- E, Ground Floor, , Janata Bhavan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237312 PORTFOLIO Revenue & Disaster Management, Hills Area Development, Mines & Minerals CONTACT Address: Chamber No. D-101, Block- D, First Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237093 PORTFOLIO Welfare of Tea Tribes, Labour Welfare CONTACT Address: Block - E, 1st Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam Phone No: 0361-2237003

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