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Optional Subject : PSIR

Topper’s Interview About Civil Services Syllabus & Strategy UPSC Prelims Syllabus GS Prelims Strategy Prelims Analysis Previous Years Papers GS Paper-I (Year Wise) GS Paper-I (Subject Wise) CSAT CSAT Strategy CSAT MCQs Previous Years Papers Practice Quiz Weekly Revision MCQs 60 Steps To Prelims Prelims Refresher Programme 2020 Mains Syllabus & Strategy Mains GS Syllabus Mains GS Strategy Mains Answer Writing Practice Essay Essay Strategy Fodder For Essay Model Essays Drishti Essay Competition Ethics Ethics Strategy Ethics Case Studies Ethics Discussion Ethics Previous Years Q&As Mains Previous Years Papers By Years Papers By Subject Mains Solved Papers Papers By Years Papers By Subject Be MAINS Ready Awake Mains Examination 2020 Personality Test Interview Strategy Interview Guidance Programme Daily Current Affairs & Editorials Daily CA MCQs Weekly Revision MCQs Sansad TV Discussions Monthly CA Consolidation Monthly Editorial Consolidation Monthly MCQ Consolidation To The Point Mind Map Important Institutions Learning Through Maps PRS Capsule Summary Of Reports Gist Of Economic Survey NCERT Books NIOS Study Material IGNOU Study Material Yojana & Kurukshetra Bihar Chhatisgarh Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Haryana Jharkhand Uttrakhand Madhya Pradesh UPSC Prelims Test Series UPSC Mains Test Series UPPCS Prelims Test Series UPPCS Mains Test Series BPSC Prelims Test Series RAS/RTS Prelims Test Series Important Institutions Daily Editorial Analysis YouTube PDF Downloads Strategy By Toppers Ethics - Definition & Concepts Mastering Mains Answer Writing Places in News UPSC Mock Interview IFoS Mock Interview PCS Mock Interview Interview Insights Important Government Schemes Prelims 2019 Study Plan Product Promos Drishti Store | Optional Homepage | Hindi Literature | Geography | |—|—|—| | History | Philosophy | Law | | Public Administration | Sociology | Anthropology | | Psychology | Syllabus of PSIR Paper - I Political Theory and Indian Politics: Political Theory: meaning and approaches. Theories of state: Liberal, Neo-liberal, Marxist, Pluralist, Post-colonial, and Feminist. Justice: Conceptions of justice with special reference to Rawl’s theory of justice and its communitarian critiques. Equality: Social, political, and economic; the relationship between equality and freedom; Affirmative action. Rights: Meaning and theories; different kinds of rights; Concept of Human Rights. Democracy: Classical and contemporary theories; different models of democracy—representative, participatory and deliberative. Concept of power: hegemony, ideology, and legitimacy. Political Ideologies: Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, Gandhism, and Feminism. Indian Political Thought: Dharmashastra, Arthashastra, and Buddhist Traditions; Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Sri Aurobindo, M. K. Gandhi, B. R. Ambedkar, M. N. Roy. Western Political Thought: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, John S. Mill, Marx, Gramsci, Hannah Arendt. Indian Government and Politics Indian Government and Politics (a) Political Strategies of India’s Freedom Struggle: Constitutionalism to mass Satyagraha, Noncooperation, Civil Disobedience; Militant and Revolutionary Movements, Peasant and Workers Movements. (b) Perspectives on Indian National Movement; Liberal, Socialist, and Marxist; Radical Humanist and Dalit. Making of the Indian Constitution: Legacies of the British rule; different social and political perspectives. Salient Features of the Indian Constitution: The Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles; Parliamentary System and Amendment Procedures; Judicial Review and Basic Structure doctrine. (a) Principal Organs of the Union Government: Envisaged role and actual working of the Executive, Legislature, and Supreme Court. (b) Principal Organs of the State Government: Envisaged role and actual working of the Executive, Legislature, and High Courts. Grassroots Democracy: Panchayati Raj and Municipal Government; Significance of 73rd and 74th Amendments; Grassroot movements. Statutory Institutions/Commissions: Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Finance Commission, Union Public Service Commission, National Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, National Commission for Women; National Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Minorities, National Backward Classes Commission. Federalism: Constitutional provisions; changing nature of center-state relations; integrationist tendencies and regional aspirations; inter-state disputes. Planning and Economic Development: Nehruvian and Gandhian perspectives; Role of planning and public sector; Green Revolution, land reforms and agrarian relations; liberalization and economic reforms. Caste, Religion, and Ethnicity in Indian Politics. Party System: National and regional political parties, ideological and social bases of parties; Patterns of coalition politics; Pressure groups, trends in electoral behavior; changing socio-economic profile of Legislators. Social Movement: Civil liberties and human rights movements; women’s movements; environmentalist movements. Online/Offline Programme Test Series Books DelhiPrayagraj Buy Now Buy Now Syllabus of PSIR Paper - II Comparative Politics and International Relations Comparative Political Analysis and International Politics: Comparative Politics: Nature and major approaches; Political economy and political sociology perspectives; Limitations of the comparative method. State in Comparative Perspective: Characteristics and changing nature of the State in capitalist and socialist economies, and advanced industrial and developing societies. Politics of Representation and Participation: Political parties, pressure groups and social movements in advanced industrial and developing societies. Globalisation: Responses from developed and developing societies. Approaches to the Study of International Relations: Idealist, Realist, Marxist, Functionalist and Systems theory. Key Concepts in International Relations: National interest, security and power; Balance of power and deterrence; Transational actors and collective security; World capitalist economy and globalisation. Changing International Political Order: (a) Rise of superpowers; Strategic and ideological Bipolarity, arms race and cold war; Nuclear threat; (b) Non-aligned movement: Aims and achievements. (c) Collapse of the Soviet Union; Unipolarity and American hegemony; Relevance of non-alignment in the contemporary world. Evolution of the International Economic System: From Bretton woods to WTO; Socialist economies and the CMEA (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance); Third World demand for new international economic order; Globalisation of the world economy. United Nations: Envisaged role and actual record; Specialized UN agencies—aims and functioning; the need for UN reforms. Regionalisation of World Politics: EU, ASEAN, APEC, AARC, NAFTA. Contemporary Global Concerns: Democracy, human rights, environment, gender justice terrorism, nuclear proliferation. India and the World Indian Foreign Policy: Determinants of foreign policy; the institutions of policy-making; continuity and change. India’s Contribution to the Non-Alignment Movement Different phases; current role. India and South Asia: (a) Regional Co-operation: SAARC-past performance and future prospects. (b) South Asia as a Free Trade Area. (c) India’s “Look East” policy. (d) Impediments to regional co-operation: River water disputes; illegal cross-border migration; Ethnic conflicts and insurgencies; Border disputes. India and the Global South: Relations with Africa and Latin America; Leadership role in the demand for NIEO and WTO negotiations. India and the Global Centres of Power: USA, EU, Japan, China and Russia. India and the UN System: Role in UN Peace-keeping; Demand for Permanent Seat in the Security Council. India and the Nuclear Question: Changing perceptions and policy. Recent developments in Indian Foreign Policy: India’s position on the recent crises in Afghanistan, Iraq, and West Asia, growing relations with US and Israel; Vision of a new world order. Download Syllabus PDF Previous Year UPSC Questions 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Write approximately 150 words on each of the following: (a) Behavioral approach to Political Science. (b) Pluralist theory of State. (c) Locke’s views on Revolution. (d) Decline of Liberalism. (e) Linkage between Power and Hegemony. (a) Elucidate the meanings inherent in the term “political” with appropriate illustrations. (b) Marxism is a political theory of action demanding strict compliance with its core principles. Comment. (c) The nature of relationship between equality of democratic citizenship and liberty of citizens is influenced by economic equality. Comment. (a) The debate on human rights is caught between the limitations of both universalism and cultural relativism. Comment. (b) Deliberative democracy seeks to promote democratic decision making about public issues among the citizens. Discuss. (c) Dharmashastra presents a duty-centric worldview for individuals and communities. Comment. (a) Legitimacy adds positive value to political authority and obligation. Discuss. (b) Critically examine Plato’s theory of Forms. (c) Manabendra Nath Roy’s political thought highlighted the humanistic aspects of Marxism. Discuss. SECTION ‘B’ Write approximately 150 words on each of the following: (a) Constitutional morality in the Indian Constitution. (b) Objective Resolution of the Constituent Assembly. (c) Legal remedies in Part III of the Constitution of India. (d) Relevance of the Legislative Council. (e) Women’s role in the anti-arrack movement. (a) How far do you agree that the Directive Principles of State Policy are more fundamental than the Fundamental Rights in meeting socio-economic justice as mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution? (b) Explain the structure and functions of the National Commission for Women. (c) The legacy of the Planning Commission still has a bearing on India’s development policies. Discuss. (a) Discuss the contribution of the Dalit struggle to establish egalitarianism in Indian society during the freedom movement. (b) The blueprint of Gram Swaraj is the key to understanding the Gandhian perspective on planning. Discuss. (c) Critically assess the role of pressure groups in the decision-making process of the government. (a) Discuss the role of environmental movements in shaping environmental governance in India. (b) “Relative deprivation is a major source of ethnic conflict.” Elaborate the statement with relevant examples. (c) Gram Sabha in the Panchayati Raj system is a forum which gives expression to the collective wisdom, aspirations, and the will of the people. Comment. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: (a) Discuss the interpretive approach to the study of comparative politics. (b) Explain the central tenets of the World-Systems Theory. (c) The expansionist tendencies of the current Russian regime indicate its intentions for the realization of a Greater Russia on the lines of the Soviet era. Comment. (d) Explain the various facets of the idealist approach to the study of international relations. Comment on its contemporary relevance. (e) The changing global order and ongoing regional conflicts, with the global powers taking sides, have jeopardized the progress made towards disarmament in the past. Comment. (a) “Deglobalisation is displacing globalisation.” Comment. (b) What are the distinctive features of the post-modern state in the advanced capitalist economies? Analyse. (c) What were the limitations of NAFTA? How did its replacement by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement counter them? Explain. (a) Discuss the major recent social movements related to the physical rights of women in various countries of the world. (b) Critically examine the role of political parties in sustaining and stabilising democracies in the developing societies. (c) Do you agree with the view that the USA uses NATO as a traditional tool of strategy to perpetuate its hegemony in the world? (a) “The Gramscian theory of hegemony provides many valuable insights into the nature of global power.” Comment. (b) The return of trade barriers and economic sanctions has diminished the spirit of GATT. In this context, discuss the factors contributing to the decline of WTO in recent times. (c) Do you agree with the view that the EU has thus far proved to be the most successful experiment in the regional integration processes? Account for its successes and also some of the recent challenges that it is faced with. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: (a) “India must strive to become a semi-permanent member of the UNSC, rather than a permanent member without the right to veto.” Comment. (b) Bhutan has historically been an ally of India, but the China-Bhutan border-related issues have become a security issue for India. Discuss. (c) “Nothing is going to move within the WTO negotiations unless India is on board.” Discuss the main reasons behind India’s increased clout in the WTO. (d) Discuss the rationale behind replacing the “Asia-Pacific” strategy with the new term “Indo-Pacific” strategy. (e) Despite deep ties, India’s relations with Sri Lanka have seen strains due to China’s growing influence in Sri Lanka through investments and economic dominance. Analyse. (a) Would you concur with the view that of late, India’s foreign policy has been in a transition mode from Nehruvianism to Neoliberalism? Support your answer with the help of suitable examples. (b) Does the idea of the 21st century as ‘Asian century’ continue to remain feasible given the growing friction between India and China? (c) Discuss the potential role that India could play as the leader of the Global South in realising the goal of establishing a new international economic order in the 21st century. (a) Discuss the future of SAARC in the light of India’s increased focus on other regional groupings like ASEAN and BIMSTEC. (b) Critically examine India’s persistent refusal to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) despite being recognized as a de facto nuclear power. (c) “India and USA have become such strong strategic partners that they need not become formal allies.” Comment. (a) Critically examine the continuity and change in India’s Palestine policy in the wake of the ongoing Israel-Hamas War. (b) Discuss the implications of the scrapping of the Free Movement Regime with Myanmar by the Indian Government on the complex ethno-political dynamics of the north-eastern region. (c) “India has of late, chosen to debunk non-alignment in its pursuit of multi-alignment.” Comment. SECTION ‘A’ Write approximately 150 words on each of the following: (a) Behavioral approach to Political Science. (b) Pluralist theory of State. (c) Locke’s views on Revolution. (d) Decline of Liberalism. (e) Linkage between Power and Hegemony. (a) Elucidate the meanings inherent in the term “political” with appropriate illustrations. (b) Marxism is a political theory of action demanding strict compliance with its core principles. Comment. (c) The nature of relationship between equality of democratic citizenship and liberty of citizens is influenced by economic equality. Comment. (a) The debate on human rights is caught between the limitations of both universalism and cultural relativism. Comment. (b) Deliberative democracy seeks to promote democratic decision making about public issues among the citizens. Discuss. (c) Dharmashastra presents a duty-centric worldview for individuals and communities. Comment. (a) Legitimacy adds positive value to political authority and obligation. Discuss. (b) Critically examine Plato’s theory of Forms. (c) Manabendra Nath Roy’s political thought highlighted the humanistic aspects of Marxism. Discuss. SECTION ‘B’ Write approximately 150 words on each of the following: (a) Constitutional morality in the Indian Constitution. (b) Objective Resolution of the Constituent Assembly. (c) Legal remedies in Part III of the Constitution of India. (d) Relevance of the Legislative Council. (e) Women’s role in the anti-arrack movement. (a) How far do you agree that the Directive Principles of State Policy are more fundamental than the Fundamental Rights in meeting socio-economic justice as mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution? (b) Explain the structure and functions of the National Commission for Women. (c) The legacy of the Planning Commission still has a bearing on India’s development policies. Discuss. (a) Discuss the contribution of the Dalit struggle to establish egalitarianism in Indian society during the freedom movement. (b) The blueprint of Gram Swaraj is the key to understanding the Gandhian perspective on planning. Discuss. (c) Critically assess the role of pressure groups in the decision-making process of the government. (a) Discuss the role of environmental movements in shaping environmental governance in India. (b) “Relative deprivation is a major source of ethnic conflict.” Elaborate the statement with relevant examples. (c) Gram Sabha in the Panchayati Raj system is a forum which gives expression to the collective wisdom, aspirations, and the will of the people. Comment. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: (a) Discuss the interpretive approach to the study of comparative politics. (b) Explain the central tenets of the World-Systems Theory. (c) The expansionist tendencies of the current Russian regime indicate its intentions for the realization of a Greater Russia on the lines of the Soviet era. Comment. (d) Explain the various facets of the idealist approach to the study of international relations. Comment on its contemporary relevance. (e) The changing global order and ongoing regional conflicts, with the global powers taking sides, have jeopardized the progress made towards disarmament in the past. Comment. (a) “Deglobalisation is displacing globalisation.” Comment. (b) What are the distinctive features of the post-modern state in the advanced capitalist economies? Analyse. (c) What were the limitations of NAFTA? How did its replacement by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement counter them? Explain. (a) Discuss the major recent social movements related to the physical rights of women in various countries of the world. (b) Critically examine the role of political parties in sustaining and stabilising democracies in the developing societies. (c) Do you agree with the view that the USA uses NATO as a traditional tool of strategy to perpetuate its hegemony in the world? (a) “The Gramscian theory of hegemony provides many valuable insights into the nature of global power.” Comment. (b) The return of trade barriers and economic sanctions has diminished the spirit of GATT. In this context, discuss the factors contributing to the decline of WTO in recent times. (c) Do you agree with the view that the EU has thus far proved to be the most successful experiment in the regional integration processes? Account for its successes and also some of the recent challenges that it is faced with. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: (a) “India must strive to become a semi-permanent member of the UNSC, rather than a permanent member without the right to veto.” Comment. (b) Bhutan has historically been an ally of India, but the China-Bhutan border-related issues have become a security issue for India. Discuss. (c) “Nothing is going to move within the WTO negotiations unless India is on board.” Discuss the main reasons behind India’s increased clout in the WTO. (d) Discuss the rationale behind replacing the “Asia-Pacific” strategy with the new term “Indo-Pacific” strategy. (e) Despite deep ties, India’s relations with Sri Lanka have seen strains due to China’s growing influence in Sri Lanka through investments and economic dominance. Analyse. (a) Would you concur with the view that of late, India’s foreign policy has been in a transition mode from Nehruvianism to Neoliberalism? Support your answer with the help of suitable examples. (b) Does the idea of the 21st century as ‘Asian century’ continue to remain feasible given the growing friction between India and China? (c) Discuss the potential role that India could play as the leader of the Global South in realising the goal of establishing a new international economic order in the 21st century. (a) Discuss the future of SAARC in the light of India’s increased focus on other regional groupings like ASEAN and BIMSTEC. (b) Critically examine India’s persistent refusal to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) despite being recognized as a de facto nuclear power. (c) “India and USA have become such strong strategic partners that they need not become formal allies.” Comment. (a) Critically examine the continuity and change in India’s Palestine policy in the wake of the ongoing Israel-Hamas War. (b) Discuss the implications of the scrapping of the Free Movement Regime with Myanmar by the Indian Government on the complex ethno-political dynamics of the north-eastern region. (c) “India has of late, chosen to debunk non-alignment in its pursuit of multi-alignment.” Comment. Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Comment on the following in about 150 words each : a). Normative approach in Political Science b). Multicultural perspective on rights c). State of Nature as State of War (Hobbes) d). Foucault’s concept of power e). Decline of political theory Answer the following: a). Success of contemporary democracies lies in the State limiting its own power. Explain. b). Rawls’ idea of the ’liberal self’ is too individualistic- Explain,in this context, the communitarian critique of Rawls’ theory of justice. c). ‘Credo of Relevance’ in post-behaviouralism advocates the importance of action science. Analyse. Answer the following: a). Fascism displays an ambivalent stance towards parliamentary democracy. Explain. b). Affirmative Action Policies draw as much strong criticism as strong support. Analyze this statement in the context of equality. c). Eurocentrism is both the target and the motive force of the post-colonial political theory. Discuss. Answer the following: a). Buddhist thought on Dhamma facilitates the emancipation of political action. Explain. b). “The legal subordination of one señ to another is wrong in itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human development. (J. S. Mill). Comment. c). Sri Aurobindo’s idea of Swaraj has deep significance in the Indian social, political and cultural history. Analyse. SECTION ‘B’ Comment on the following in about 150 words each. a). Imprint of the British Constitution on the Indian Constitution b). Environmentalism of the poor c). Functions of District Planning Committee d). Satyagraha and Indian Nationalism e). National Commission for Minorities Answer the following: a). Discuss the major provisions of the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act. Do you think that the Act remains an “unfulfilled dream”? Argue your case. b). How does NITI Aayog as a ‘policy think tank with shared vision’ visualise the reorganisation of planning in India\ Justify your answer. c). The Constitution of India is the ‘cornerstone of a nation’. (Granville Austin). Analyse. Answer the following: a). Does the actual working of Indian federalism conform to the centralising tendencies in Indian polity? Give reasons for your answer. b). The main goal of the Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution is to generate civic responsibility among the citizens. Explain. c). Dr. Ambedkar’s clarion call, “Educate, Agitate and Organise”, strategizes the Dalit movement towards achieving civil liberty. Discuss. Answer the following: a). The rise of caste politics is to be attributed to both regional aspirations and electoral manifestations. Comment. b). The decade 1989-1999 has created an epochal shift in the Indian party system at the national level. Identify the major national trends in the party system during this era. c). Do you agree that over the years the Supreme Court has become a forum for policy evolution? Justify your answer. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : a). What are the crucial functions of empirical political theory in Comparative Politics? b). What are the difficulties faced by a political theorist in comparing the States? c). How does democratic politics construct citizenship? d). What is the structure and functions of the International Court of Justice? e). Discuss the structure and functions of the UN Security Council. Answer the following: a). Discuss the relevance of the normative ethos of the Non Aligned Movement in magnifying India’s soft power in pursuit of her national interest. b). In what ways does the functionalist approach in International relations help in maintaining peace and order in global politics? c). How does the regime change and political crisis in Myanmar threaten regional security and peace? Answer the following: a). “During the Cold War, the Non-Aligned Movement tried to become a “Third force” in World Politics, but failed because it was too large and unwieldy. Discuss. b). Account for the rise of the European Union as a highly influential regional organisation. c). Narrate the various ways in which rapid environmental degradation is posing a serious threat to human security. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. Answer the following: a). Critically examine the impact of Globalisation on the developing countries of the world. b). What do you mean by offensive and defensive realism? c). Discuss the various constraints on American hegemony today- Which of these are likely to become more prominent in the future? SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : a). Explain the major features of India’s Foreign Policy in the 21st century. b). What are the reasons for lack of ‘regionness’ in South Asia? c). Why is the compromise reached at WTO regarding the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing not a Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) waiver? d). Why do ethnic conflicts and insurgencies continue to remain major impediments to regional cooperation in South Asia? e). What diplomatic steps has India taken to articulate the interests of the Global South in International Politics? Answer the following: a). Arms trade, economic ties and congruent geo-political interests are no longer the three pillars of India & Russia relationship in the emerging strategic context. Comment. b). Discuss the importance of India’s role in UN peacekeeping operations as a ground for its claim to a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. c). Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) performs an important role in India’s strategic balancing act to withstand the dominance of China in Asia. Discuss. Answer the following: a). “India’s Nuclear policy is deeply influenced by its cultural beliefs and the pragmatic approach of its foreign policy.” Discuss. b). What steps has India taken to regain its foothold in Afghanistan since the Taliban has taken over the country in August 2021? c). What are the challenges and limitations in India-Iran relations? Answer the following: a). What are the eñternal determinants of the Foreign Policy of a State? b). Discuss the significance of “West Asia Quad” in the light of India’s ‘Look West’ policy. c). Discuss the major drivers of India’s interests in Africa. SECTION ‘A’ Comment on the following in about 150 words each : a). Normative approach in Political Science b). Multicultural perspective on rights c). State of Nature as State of War (Hobbes) d). Foucault’s concept of power e). Decline of political theory Answer the following: a). Success of contemporary democracies lies in the State limiting its own power. Explain. b). Rawls’ idea of the ’liberal self’ is too individualistic- Explain,in this context, the communitarian critique of Rawls’ theory of justice. c). ‘Credo of Relevance’ in post-behaviouralism advocates the importance of action science. Analyse. Answer the following: a). Fascism displays an ambivalent stance towards parliamentary democracy. Explain. b). Affirmative Action Policies draw as much strong criticism as strong support. Analyze this statement in the context of equality. c). Eurocentrism is both the target and the motive force of the post-colonial political theory. Discuss. Answer the following: a). Buddhist thought on Dhamma facilitates the emancipation of political action. Explain. b). “The legal subordination of one señ to another is wrong in itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human development. (J. S. Mill). Comment. c). Sri Aurobindo’s idea of Swaraj has deep significance in the Indian social, political and cultural history. Analyse. SECTION ‘B’ Comment on the following in about 150 words each. a). Imprint of the British Constitution on the Indian Constitution b). Environmentalism of the poor c). Functions of District Planning Committee d). Satyagraha and Indian Nationalism e). National Commission for Minorities Answer the following: a). Discuss the major provisions of the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act. Do you think that the Act remains an “unfulfilled dream”? Argue your case. b). How does NITI Aayog as a ‘policy think tank with shared vision’ visualise the reorganisation of planning in India\ Justify your answer. c). The Constitution of India is the ‘cornerstone of a nation’. (Granville Austin). Analyse. Answer the following: a). Does the actual working of Indian federalism conform to the centralising tendencies in Indian polity? Give reasons for your answer. b). The main goal of the Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution is to generate civic responsibility among the citizens. Explain. c). Dr. Ambedkar’s clarion call, “Educate, Agitate and Organise”, strategizes the Dalit movement towards achieving civil liberty. Discuss. Answer the following: a). The rise of caste politics is to be attributed to both regional aspirations and electoral manifestations. Comment. b). The decade 1989-1999 has created an epochal shift in the Indian party system at the national level. Identify the major national trends in the party system during this era. c). Do you agree that over the years the Supreme Court has become a forum for policy evolution? Justify your answer. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : a). What are the crucial functions of empirical political theory in Comparative Politics? b). What are the difficulties faced by a political theorist in comparing the States? c). How does democratic politics construct citizenship? d). What is the structure and functions of the International Court of Justice? e). Discuss the structure and functions of the UN Security Council. Answer the following: a). Discuss the relevance of the normative ethos of the Non Aligned Movement in magnifying India’s soft power in pursuit of her national interest. b). In what ways does the functionalist approach in International relations help in maintaining peace and order in global politics? c). How does the regime change and political crisis in Myanmar threaten regional security and peace? Answer the following: a). “During the Cold War, the Non-Aligned Movement tried to become a “Third force” in World Politics, but failed because it was too large and unwieldy. Discuss. b). Account for the rise of the European Union as a highly influential regional organisation. c). Narrate the various ways in which rapid environmental degradation is posing a serious threat to human security. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. Answer the following: a). Critically examine the impact of Globalisation on the developing countries of the world. b). What do you mean by offensive and defensive realism? c). Discuss the various constraints on American hegemony today- Which of these are likely to become more prominent in the future? SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : a). Explain the major features of India’s Foreign Policy in the 21st century. b). What are the reasons for lack of ‘regionness’ in South Asia? c). Why is the compromise reached at WTO regarding the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing not a Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) waiver? d). Why do ethnic conflicts and insurgencies continue to remain major impediments to regional cooperation in South Asia? e). What diplomatic steps has India taken to articulate the interests of the Global South in International Politics? Answer the following: a). Arms trade, economic ties and congruent geo-political interests are no longer the three pillars of India & Russia relationship in the emerging strategic context. Comment. b). Discuss the importance of India’s role in UN peacekeeping operations as a ground for its claim to a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. c). Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) performs an important role in India’s strategic balancing act to withstand the dominance of China in Asia. Discuss. Answer the following: a). “India’s Nuclear policy is deeply influenced by its cultural beliefs and the pragmatic approach of its foreign policy.” Discuss. b). What steps has India taken to regain its foothold in Afghanistan since the Taliban has taken over the country in August 2021? c). What are the challenges and limitations in India-Iran relations? Answer the following: a). What are the eñternal determinants of the Foreign Policy of a State? b). Discuss the significance of “West Asia Quad” in the light of India’s ‘Look West’ policy. c). Discuss the major drivers of India’s interests in Africa. Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Write on the following in about 150 words each : a). Systems Approach b). Cultural Relativism c). “Revolution in Permanence” d). Bases of Power e). Locke’s Social Contract Answer the following: a). Factors like community, culture and nation weaken the hegemony of neo-liberalism today. Discuss. b). Equality of estates caused equality of power, and equality of power is liberty.” Comment. c). Elitist theory of democracy denies the possibility of democracy as ‘rule of the people’. Elucidate. Answer the following: a). Examine the liberal theory of State in contemporary politics. b). Human Rights are complex and contested social practice that organises relations between individuals, society and the State. Comment. c). Individualism is inherent in Hobbes’ absolutist ideology. Comment. Answer the following: a). Dr. Ambedkar’s idea of social justice leads to ’egalitarian justice’ as compared to Rawls’ ‘justice as fairness’ which aims at the notion of ‘pure procedural justice’. Comment. b). “The Panchayats with gram Sabhas should be so organised as to identify the resources locally available for the development in agricultural and industrial sectors.” Examine the statement in the context of Gram Swaraj. c). Examine the entitlement theory of justice. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following in about 150 words each : a). Analyse the workers’ movement in India in the pre-Independence period. b). The Preamble of the Indian Constitution reflects itself as a ‘social contract’. Elucidate. c). Legislative Council is a house without any effective powers. Comment. d). How far is the National Commission for Backward Classes an empowered body? Assess its role in the context of rising demand for backwardness among dominant communities. e). High concentration of economic activities and consumption patterns in post-liberalisation period has led to the failure of environmental movements in India. Elucidate. Answer the following: a). Electoral behaviour of voters is governed more by the social and economic factors than the political factors. Explain. b). The Doctrine of Basic Structure of the Constitution has enhanced the power of judicial review of the Supreme Court. Examine. c). Discuss the composition and functions of the Inter-State Council. To what extent has this body been successful in achieving its objectives? Answer the following: a). Examine the unique features of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment. Do you think this Amendment would contribute in achieving the goal of empowerment of marginalised sections of the society? b). The Speaker represents the freedom and dignity of the House. Examine. c). Discuss the policy initiatives of the Fourteenth Finance Commission aimed towards promoting and strengthening agricultural development in India. Answer the following: a). Ethnicity is the underlying cause which poses a great challenge in the resolution of the problems in the North-East region of India. Comment. b). The making of the Indian Constitution is described as an attempt towards ‘social revolution’. Comment. c). How far is it correct that the regional parties have strengthened Indian democracy and federal system? Substantiate your answer with suitable examples. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Write on the following in about 150 words each : a). Discuss the main limitationa of the comparative method to the study of Political Science. b). What are the main challenges faced by the developing countires in the era of globalisation? c). Discuss the commonalities between the Marxist and Realist approach to the study of International Politics. d). Bipolar structure of the world is more stable than the multipolar one. Comment. e). National Interest is an essentially contested concept. Comment. Answer the following: a). How has the electrol democracy augmented the participation of people in the democratic process? b). Discuss the role of social movements in strengthening the democratic processess in developing societies. c). Describe the composition of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Discuss its voluntary jurisdication. Answer the following: a). Critically examine the rise of People’s Republic of China (PRC) as a great power and its implications on Asian Political order. b). Discuss the conceptual dimensions of collective security. c). Discuss the efficacy of global conventions to combat international terrorism. Answer the following: a). Identify and evaluate the reasons for deadlock inthe WTO negotiations on fisheries between the developing and developed countries. b). What is the realist prescription to the States to ensure their survival in an anarchical world? c). Russian-Ukraine crisis has cast a dark shadow on the energy needs of the member states of the European Union (EU). Comment. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following in about 150 words each : a). Peaceful co-existaence remians the cornerstone of India’s foreign policy. Comment. b). Discuss the ways and means to realise greater economic co-operation among the Member States of South Asia. c). Discuss the steps required to realise ‘hydro-co-operation’ between India and Bangladesh. d). Explain the significance fo Basic Exchange and Co-operation Agreement (BECA) for Indo-US strategic relations. e). Discuss the role of public diplomacy in the enhancement of India’s global standing. Answer the following: a). Discuss the relevance of the demand for New International Economic Order (NIEO) in the present era of globlisation. b). Critically examine the major factors responsible for a turmaround in the trajectory of India’s foreign policy in the post-cold period. c). Discuss the reasons behind India’s refusal to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT). Answer the following: a). What are the main drivers fo India-Japan Strategic and Global Partnership? b). What are the implications of ‘Look-East’ Policy on the north-eastern region of India? c). Explain the factors which justify India’s clain for a permanent seat at the UN security council. Answer the following: a). How does India-Israel bilateral ties reflect the autonomy of India’s foreign policy choices? b). Discuss the consequences of illegal cross-border migration in India’s north-eastern region. c). Discuss India’s vision of a New World order in the 21st century. SECTION ‘A’ Write on the following in about 150 words each : a). Systems Approach b). Cultural Relativism c). “Revolution in Permanence” d). Bases of Power e). Locke’s Social Contract Answer the following: a). Factors like community, culture and nation weaken the hegemony of neo-liberalism today. Discuss. b). Equality of estates caused equality of power, and equality of power is liberty.” Comment. c). Elitist theory of democracy denies the possibility of democracy as ‘rule of the people’. Elucidate. Answer the following: a). Examine the liberal theory of State in contemporary politics. b). Human Rights are complex and contested social practice that organises relations between individuals, society and the State. Comment. c). Individualism is inherent in Hobbes’ absolutist ideology. Comment. Answer the following: a). Dr. Ambedkar’s idea of social justice leads to ’egalitarian justice’ as compared to Rawls’ ‘justice as fairness’ which aims at the notion of ‘pure procedural justice’. Comment. b). “The Panchayats with gram Sabhas should be so organised as to identify the resources locally available for the development in agricultural and industrial sectors.” Examine the statement in the context of Gram Swaraj. c). Examine the entitlement theory of justice. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following in about 150 words each : a). Analyse the workers’ movement in India in the pre-Independence period. b). The Preamble of the Indian Constitution reflects itself as a ‘social contract’. Elucidate. c). Legislative Council is a house without any effective powers. Comment. d). How far is the National Commission for Backward Classes an empowered body? Assess its role in the context of rising demand for backwardness among dominant communities. e). High concentration of economic activities and consumption patterns in post-liberalisation period has led to the failure of environmental movements in India. Elucidate. Answer the following: a). Electoral behaviour of voters is governed more by the social and economic factors than the political factors. Explain. b). The Doctrine of Basic Structure of the Constitution has enhanced the power of judicial review of the Supreme Court. Examine. c). Discuss the composition and functions of the Inter-State Council. To what extent has this body been successful in achieving its objectives? Answer the following: a). Examine the unique features of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment. Do you think this Amendment would contribute in achieving the goal of empowerment of marginalised sections of the society? b). The Speaker represents the freedom and dignity of the House. Examine. c). Discuss the policy initiatives of the Fourteenth Finance Commission aimed towards promoting and strengthening agricultural development in India. Answer the following: a). Ethnicity is the underlying cause which poses a great challenge in the resolution of the problems in the North-East region of India. Comment. b). The making of the Indian Constitution is described as an attempt towards ‘social revolution’. Comment. c). How far is it correct that the regional parties have strengthened Indian democracy and federal system? Substantiate your answer with suitable examples. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Write on the following in about 150 words each : a). Discuss the main limitationa of the comparative method to the study of Political Science. b). What are the main challenges faced by the developing countires in the era of globalisation? c). Discuss the commonalities between the Marxist and Realist approach to the study of International Politics. d). Bipolar structure of the world is more stable than the multipolar one. Comment. e). National Interest is an essentially contested concept. Comment. Answer the following: a). How has the electrol democracy augmented the participation of people in the democratic process? b). Discuss the role of social movements in strengthening the democratic processess in developing societies. c). Describe the composition of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Discuss its voluntary jurisdication. Answer the following: a). Critically examine the rise of People’s Republic of China (PRC) as a great power and its implications on Asian Political order. b). Discuss the conceptual dimensions of collective security. c). Discuss the efficacy of global conventions to combat international terrorism. Answer the following: a). Identify and evaluate the reasons for deadlock inthe WTO negotiations on fisheries between the developing and developed countries. b). What is the realist prescription to the States to ensure their survival in an anarchical world? c). Russian-Ukraine crisis has cast a dark shadow on the energy needs of the member states of the European Union (EU). Comment. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following in about 150 words each : a). Peaceful co-existaence remians the cornerstone of India’s foreign policy. Comment. b). Discuss the ways and means to realise greater economic co-operation among the Member States of South Asia. c). Discuss the steps required to realise ‘hydro-co-operation’ between India and Bangladesh. d). Explain the significance fo Basic Exchange and Co-operation Agreement (BECA) for Indo-US strategic relations. e). Discuss the role of public diplomacy in the enhancement of India’s global standing. Answer the following: a). Discuss the relevance of the demand for New International Economic Order (NIEO) in the present era of globlisation. b). Critically examine the major factors responsible for a turmaround in the trajectory of India’s foreign policy in the post-cold period. c). Discuss the reasons behind India’s refusal to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT). Answer the following: a). What are the main drivers fo India-Japan Strategic and Global Partnership? b). What are the implications of ‘Look-East’ Policy on the north-eastern region of India? c). Explain the factors which justify India’s clain for a permanent seat at the UN security council. Answer the following: a). How does India-Israel bilateral ties reflect the autonomy of India’s foreign policy choices? b). Discuss the consequences of illegal cross-border migration in India’s north-eastern region. c). Discuss India’s vision of a New World order in the 21st century. Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Feminist critique of the State. b). Affirmative action. c). Equality of outcome as a political idea. d). Tools of legitimating of the State. e). J. S. Mill’s ideas on women suffrage. Answer the following: a). How has Rawls enriched the idea of justice in liberalism? b). Examine the importance of behavioral approach in political theory. What led to its decline? c). Can there be a universal conception of human rights? Give your arguments. Answer the following: a). Explain the Aristotelian view of politics. To what extent do you think it has contributed to the development of modern-day constitutional democracies? b). “When a nation becomes devoid of arts and learning, it invites poverty.” (Sir Syed Ahmad Khan). In the light of this statement, assess the role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as a reformer in modern India. c). Political ideology is primarily concerned with the allocation and utilization of Power.” Comment. Answer the following: a). Do you think that the Buddhist traditions have lent greater ethical foundation to the ancient Indian political thought? Give your arguments. b). Marx’s concept of ‘alienation’ is an essential part of the reality in capitalism. Explain. c). Free and fair deliberation is key to the foundation of democracy.” Explain. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). “The Constitution of India is a product of a historical process, rich with constitutional antecedents.” Comment. b). “The Constitution makers faced the great task of forging a common national identity in the face of unparalleled social and cultural diversity in India.” Comment. c). Mention the founding principles that define India’s Constitution. d). Analyze the Marxist perspective of the nature of Indian National Movement. e). Underline the significance of the first constitutional amendment. Answer the following: a). “Constitutionally reconciling the Fundamental Rights with the Directive Principles of State Policy has led to frequent amendments of the Constitution and judicial interventions.” Comment. b). The role of the President of India becomes more significant during a minority government and a coalition government. Explain. c). Do you think that despite having significant limitations the Panchayati Raj institutions have strengthened the process of democratic decentralization? Give your views. Answer the following: a). “The Indian party system is shaped by a complex interaction of the country’s federal structure, electoral system and social cleavages.” Explain. b). Do you think that there has been a gradual shift in the basis on which the demands for the creation of new States have been raised in different regions of India? Explain. c). What explains India’s modest improvements in social development outcomes even as the rate of growth has accelerated since the initiation of economic reforms? Answer the following: a). The success of electoral democracy can partly be attributed to the status and role of the Election Commission of India.” Explain. b). Examine the evolution of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India as a Constitutional Court. c). Explain how caste as a social category is also becoming a political category in the democratic politics of India. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the political economic approach to the comparative analysis of politics. b). “Political parties and pressure groups are sine qua none of democracy.” Comment. c). “Marxist approach to the study of international relations has lost its relevance in the post-cold war era.” Comment. d). What measures have been undertaken by the United Nations for its reforms? e). Discuss the five proposals made by India in the recent COP-26 conference held in Glasgow. Answer the following: a). “The post-colonial state was thought of as an entity that stood outside and above society as an autonomous agency.” Explain. b). Discuss the emergence of neo-realism and its basic tenets c). What is ‘complex interdependence’? Discuss the role of transnational actors in the international system. Answer the following: a). Explain the impact of electoral systems and cleavages in shaping party systems with reference to developing countries. b). What is globalisation ? Why is there an intense debate about globalisation and its consequences? c). Critically examine the decline of the United States of America as a hegemon and its implications for the changing international political order. Answer the following: a). The modernization thesis asserts that affluence breeds stable democracy. How do you explain the success of India being the world’s largest democracy as an exceptional case? b). Explain the success of ASEAN as a regional organisation. c). Explain India’s relations with the European Union in the context of Brexit. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the strategic implications of India’s ‘Look East Policy’ transforming into ‘Act East Policy’. b). Explain the philosophical foundations of India’s foreign policy. c). Explain India’s position on the waiver of intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines in WTO. d). Write about the growing significance of QUAD. e). How does the recent takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban impact India’s strategic interests? Answer the following: a). “Non-alignment was little more than a rational strategy on the part of a materially weak India to maximize its interests with a bipolar distribution of global power.” Comment. b). Examine the Geo-strategic points of contention in the bilateral relationship between India and China. c). Write a brief analysis of the ethnic conflicts and cross-border migrations along India-Myanmar and India-Bangladesh borders. Answer the following: a). Why is South Asia considered as the world’s politically and economically least integrated region? Explain. b). How do the constituent states influence the foreign policy making process in India? c). Examine the evolution of India’s role in the global nuclear order. Answer the following: a). “Relations between India and Russia are rooted in history mutual trust/and mutually beneficial cooperation.’ Discuss. b). Discuss the “Sustainable Development Goals’ as set by the United Nations. c). Identify the drivers of India’s new interest in Africa. SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Feminist critique of the State. b). Affirmative action. c). Equality of outcome as a political idea. d). Tools of legitimating of the State. e). J. S. Mill’s ideas on women suffrage. Answer the following: a). How has Rawls enriched the idea of justice in liberalism? b). Examine the importance of behavioral approach in political theory. What led to its decline? c). Can there be a universal conception of human rights? Give your arguments. Answer the following: a). Explain the Aristotelian view of politics. To what extent do you think it has contributed to the development of modern-day constitutional democracies? b). “When a nation becomes devoid of arts and learning, it invites poverty.” (Sir Syed Ahmad Khan). In the light of this statement, assess the role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as a reformer in modern India. c). Political ideology is primarily concerned with the allocation and utilization of Power.” Comment. Answer the following: a). Do you think that the Buddhist traditions have lent greater ethical foundation to the ancient Indian political thought? Give your arguments. b). Marx’s concept of ‘alienation’ is an essential part of the reality in capitalism. Explain. c). Free and fair deliberation is key to the foundation of democracy.” Explain. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). “The Constitution of India is a product of a historical process, rich with constitutional antecedents.” Comment. b). “The Constitution makers faced the great task of forging a common national identity in the face of unparalleled social and cultural diversity in India.” Comment. c). Mention the founding principles that define India’s Constitution. d). Analyze the Marxist perspective of the nature of Indian National Movement. e). Underline the significance of the first constitutional amendment. Answer the following: a). “Constitutionally reconciling the Fundamental Rights with the Directive Principles of State Policy has led to frequent amendments of the Constitution and judicial interventions.” Comment. b). The role of the President of India becomes more significant during a minority government and a coalition government. Explain. c). Do you think that despite having significant limitations the Panchayati Raj institutions have strengthened the process of democratic decentralization? Give your views. Answer the following: a). “The Indian party system is shaped by a complex interaction of the country’s federal structure, electoral system and social cleavages.” Explain. b). Do you think that there has been a gradual shift in the basis on which the demands for the creation of new States have been raised in different regions of India? Explain. c). What explains India’s modest improvements in social development outcomes even as the rate of growth has accelerated since the initiation of economic reforms? Answer the following: a). The success of electoral democracy can partly be attributed to the status and role of the Election Commission of India.” Explain. b). Examine the evolution of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India as a Constitutional Court. c). Explain how caste as a social category is also becoming a political category in the democratic politics of India. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the political economic approach to the comparative analysis of politics. b). “Political parties and pressure groups are sine qua none of democracy.” Comment. c). “Marxist approach to the study of international relations has lost its relevance in the post-cold war era.” Comment. d). What measures have been undertaken by the United Nations for its reforms? e). Discuss the five proposals made by India in the recent COP-26 conference held in Glasgow. Answer the following: a). “The post-colonial state was thought of as an entity that stood outside and above society as an autonomous agency.” Explain. b). Discuss the emergence of neo-realism and its basic tenets c). What is ‘complex interdependence’? Discuss the role of transnational actors in the international system. Answer the following: a). Explain the impact of electoral systems and cleavages in shaping party systems with reference to developing countries. b). What is globalisation ? Why is there an intense debate about globalisation and its consequences? c). Critically examine the decline of the United States of America as a hegemon and its implications for the changing international political order. Answer the following: a). The modernization thesis asserts that affluence breeds stable democracy. How do you explain the success of India being the world’s largest democracy as an exceptional case? b). Explain the success of ASEAN as a regional organisation. c). Explain India’s relations with the European Union in the context of Brexit. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the strategic implications of India’s ‘Look East Policy’ transforming into ‘Act East Policy’. b). Explain the philosophical foundations of India’s foreign policy. c). Explain India’s position on the waiver of intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines in WTO. d). Write about the growing significance of QUAD. e). How does the recent takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban impact India’s strategic interests? Answer the following: a). “Non-alignment was little more than a rational strategy on the part of a materially weak India to maximize its interests with a bipolar distribution of global power.” Comment. b). Examine the Geo-strategic points of contention in the bilateral relationship between India and China. c). Write a brief analysis of the ethnic conflicts and cross-border migrations along India-Myanmar and India-Bangladesh borders. Answer the following: a). Why is South Asia considered as the world’s politically and economically least integrated region? Explain. b). How do the constituent states influence the foreign policy making process in India? c). Examine the evolution of India’s role in the global nuclear order. Answer the following: a). “Relations between India and Russia are rooted in history mutual trust/and mutually beneficial cooperation.’ Discuss. b). Discuss the “Sustainable Development Goals’ as set by the United Nations. c). Identify the drivers of India’s new interest in Africa. Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Post-colonial theory of the state b). Equality of opportunity c). Liberalism as a revolutionary idea d). Ambedkar’s ideas on constitutionalism e). Machiavelli’s secularism Answer the following: a). Make a comparative assessment of Greek perspective of Justice with the Rawlsian concept of Justice. b). Representative democracy . . . . . . means the people as a body must be able to control the general direction of government policy. (J. S. Mill). Comment. c). Assess the significance of right to property in political theory. Answer the following: a). Explicate the ideological components of Gandhism. b). Examine the nature and meaning of power. c). Explain the sources of ancient Indian political thought. Answer the following: a). Trace the evolution of Western Political Thought from ancient to contemporary period. b). Discuss the significance of a normative approach to Political theory. c). Discuss Karl Marx’s concept of class. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Role of socialists in Indian National Movement b). Indian constitution makers’ concerns on social inequality c). Right to constitutional remedies in India d). Judicial overreach in India e). Mechanism for settling inter-state disputes Answer the following: a). Examine the role and functioning of the Election Commission of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General in the last two decades. b). Trace the role of militant and revolutionary movements in Indian national movement. c). To what extent has 73rd and 74th amendments of the Indian Constitution enhanced women’s empowerment? Answer the following: a). Does the functioning of the federalism in India tend to make it appear as a unitary state in practice? b). Has the thrust of government tilted towards executive in contemporary Indian Politics? Give your arguments. c). ‘Liberalisation of Indian Economy has not been accompanied with adequate reforms’. Comment. Answer the following: a). To what extent has the inadequate intra-party democracy affected the functioning of Indian Democracy? b). Examine the role of religion in Indian Electoral Politics in the contemporary times. c). Examine the nature of the civil liberty movement in India. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the subject matter of comparative politics. Outline the limitations of comparative political analysis. b). Analyze the contribution of liberal democratic principles in the democratization of Indian polity. c). Has the increased participation of the underprivileged in the political process of the developing societies strengthened democracy or created political chaos and conflict? Comment. d). Critically examine the impact of the process of globalization from the perspective of the countries of the Global South. e). What are the core assumptions of idealism as an approach to study International Relations? Explain its continuing relevance in peace building. Answer the following: a). Explain the concept of balance of power. What are the various techniques of maintaining balance of power? b). Enumerate the challenges in the operation of the principles related to collective security in the UN Charter. c). Critically analyze the implications of Sino-American strategic rivalry for the South and South-East Asian region. Answer the following: a). Discuss the ways to strengthen the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to enable it to address the challenges faced by the developing countries. b). Critically evaluate the role of the United States of America in the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement mechanism and its implications for the future of the WTO. c). Explain the significance and importance of the demand raised by the developing countries for a New International Economic Order (NIEO). Are they likely to achieve their objectives of NIEO in foreseeable future? Answer the following: a). Discuss the significance and urgency of the UN Security Council reforms. Explain the relevance of the reform proposals made by the UN Secretary General António Guterres for the developing countries. b). Critically analyze the role of ASEAN in the promotion of regional peace and security through economic cooperation and trade. c). Examine the role of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other major efforts by the UN to address the global environmental crisis. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Describe the structure and function of the National Security Council of India. What role does it play in the formulation of Indian foreign policy? b). Outline the reasons for the low volume of trade in the SAARC region. c). Analyze the impact of hydro politics on Indo-Bangladesh relations. d). Discuss the future prospects of Indo-Nepal relations in the context of the recent publication of new Nepalese map wrongly claiming Indian territory. e). How does cross-border terrorism impede the achievements of peace and security in South Asia? Answer the following: a). How do the guiding principles of India-Africa relations seek to enhance harmony and mutual cooperation between India and Africa? b). What are the notable features of the recently concluded pact or the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) between India and Japan? How is it likely to address the security concerns of India? c). Discuss the significance of Indo-US strategic partnership and its implications for India’s security and national defence. Answer the following: a). Explain the defence and foreign policy options of India to address the challenges emerging out of the current India-China standoff at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). b). Explain the importance of India’s claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. c). Discuss the efficacy of India’s ‘no first use’ policy (nuclear weapons) in the context of the evolving strategic challenges from its neighbours. Answer the following: a). “The war in Afghanistan is crucial from the point of view of India’s national security. If the Americans withdraw and Jihadis emerge with a sense of triumphalism, India will face increasing onslaught of terrorism.” Comment. b). Identify the key sectors of cooperation between India and Israel since 2014. Examine their significance in strengthening the bilateral ties between the two countries. c). Critically examine the role of India in shaping the emerging world order. SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Post-colonial theory of the state b). Equality of opportunity c). Liberalism as a revolutionary idea d). Ambedkar’s ideas on constitutionalism e). Machiavelli’s secularism Answer the following: a). Make a comparative assessment of Greek perspective of Justice with the Rawlsian concept of Justice. b). Representative democracy . . . . . . means the people as a body must be able to control the general direction of government policy. (J. S. Mill). Comment. c). Assess the significance of right to property in political theory. Answer the following: a). Explicate the ideological components of Gandhism. b). Examine the nature and meaning of power. c). Explain the sources of ancient Indian political thought. Answer the following: a). Trace the evolution of Western Political Thought from ancient to contemporary period. b). Discuss the significance of a normative approach to Political theory. c). Discuss Karl Marx’s concept of class. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Role of socialists in Indian National Movement b). Indian constitution makers’ concerns on social inequality c). Right to constitutional remedies in India d). Judicial overreach in India e). Mechanism for settling inter-state disputes Answer the following: a). Examine the role and functioning of the Election Commission of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General in the last two decades. b). Trace the role of militant and revolutionary movements in Indian national movement. c). To what extent has 73rd and 74th amendments of the Indian Constitution enhanced women’s empowerment? Answer the following: a). Does the functioning of the federalism in India tend to make it appear as a unitary state in practice? b). Has the thrust of government tilted towards executive in contemporary Indian Politics? Give your arguments. c). ‘Liberalisation of Indian Economy has not been accompanied with adequate reforms’. Comment. Answer the following: a). To what extent has the inadequate intra-party democracy affected the functioning of Indian Democracy? b). Examine the role of religion in Indian Electoral Politics in the contemporary times. c). Examine the nature of the civil liberty movement in India. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the subject matter of comparative politics. Outline the limitations of comparative political analysis. b). Analyze the contribution of liberal democratic principles in the democratization of Indian polity. c). Has the increased participation of the underprivileged in the political process of the developing societies strengthened democracy or created political chaos and conflict? Comment. d). Critically examine the impact of the process of globalization from the perspective of the countries of the Global South. e). What are the core assumptions of idealism as an approach to study International Relations? Explain its continuing relevance in peace building. Answer the following: a). Explain the concept of balance of power. What are the various techniques of maintaining balance of power? b). Enumerate the challenges in the operation of the principles related to collective security in the UN Charter. c). Critically analyze the implications of Sino-American strategic rivalry for the South and South-East Asian region. Answer the following: a). Discuss the ways to strengthen the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to enable it to address the challenges faced by the developing countries. b). Critically evaluate the role of the United States of America in the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement mechanism and its implications for the future of the WTO. c). Explain the significance and importance of the demand raised by the developing countries for a New International Economic Order (NIEO). Are they likely to achieve their objectives of NIEO in foreseeable future? Answer the following: a). Discuss the significance and urgency of the UN Security Council reforms. Explain the relevance of the reform proposals made by the UN Secretary General António Guterres for the developing countries. b). Critically analyze the role of ASEAN in the promotion of regional peace and security through economic cooperation and trade. c). Examine the role of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other major efforts by the UN to address the global environmental crisis. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Describe the structure and function of the National Security Council of India. What role does it play in the formulation of Indian foreign policy? b). Outline the reasons for the low volume of trade in the SAARC region. c). Analyze the impact of hydro politics on Indo-Bangladesh relations. d). Discuss the future prospects of Indo-Nepal relations in the context of the recent publication of new Nepalese map wrongly claiming Indian territory. e). How does cross-border terrorism impede the achievements of peace and security in South Asia? Answer the following: a). How do the guiding principles of India-Africa relations seek to enhance harmony and mutual cooperation between India and Africa? b). What are the notable features of the recently concluded pact or the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) between India and Japan? How is it likely to address the security concerns of India? c). Discuss the significance of Indo-US strategic partnership and its implications for India’s security and national defence. Answer the following: a). Explain the defence and foreign policy options of India to address the challenges emerging out of the current India-China standoff at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). b). Explain the importance of India’s claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. c). Discuss the efficacy of India’s ‘no first use’ policy (nuclear weapons) in the context of the evolving strategic challenges from its neighbours. Answer the following: a). “The war in Afghanistan is crucial from the point of view of India’s national security. If the Americans withdraw and Jihadis emerge with a sense of triumphalism, India will face increasing onslaught of terrorism.” Comment. b). Identify the key sectors of cooperation between India and Israel since 2014. Examine their significance in strengthening the bilateral ties between the two countries. c). Critically examine the role of India in shaping the emerging world order. Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Resurgence of political theory. b). Pluralist theory of the State. c). End of Ideology debate. d). Deliberative democracy. e). M. K. Gandhi’s concept of Swaraj. Answer the following: a). Explain Aristotle’s critique of Plato’s Idealism. b). Examine communitarian perspectives on justice. c). Compare negative and positive concepts of liberty. Answer the following: a). According to Gramsci, ‘hegemony is primarily based on the organisation of consent.’ Comment. b). Discuss Kautilya’s views on the elements of the State. c). Distinguish between liberal feminism and radical feminism. Answer the following: a). Critically examine Hannah Arendt’s conceptual triad of labour, work and action. b). Discuss the doctrine of ‘rights as trumps’. c). What is the contemporary relevance of Marxism? SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Unity and integrity of India was perhaps the single uppermost factor in the minds of the Constitution makers. Comment. b). Dalit perspective on Indian national movement. Discuss. c). Despite constitutional mandate the Inter-State Council has not come of age. Discuss. d). Political decentralization has not been matched by administrative decentralization at the grass roots level. Explain e). Write a short note on the significance of the Chipko Movement. Answer the following: a). National movement in India was anti-imperialist and increasingly radical in its socio-economic and political programmes. Discuss. b). What has been the political fallout of the Green Revolution in India? Explain. c). The changing socio-economic profile of our legislators does not augur well for the health of Indian democracy. Comment. Answer the following: a). Development has overshadowed the influence of caste in electoral behaviour in recent elections. Discuss. b). The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India enhances the accountability of the Government and serves as the watchdog of the finances of the Government. Explain. c). Discuss, in brief, the role of the National Commission for women. Do you think it is a toothless organization? Answer the following: a). “The basic structure doctrine is implicit in the Indian Constitution; the Supreme Court has only given it an explicit form." Comment. b). Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has emerged as the most powerful institution in India. Discuss. c). Comment on the relevance of the Directive Principles of State Policy in an era of liberalization and globalization. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the utility of Nuclear Deterrence Theory in the context of the recent standoff between India and Pakistan. b). Write a brief note on the 17th NAM Summit in Venezuela. c). In what way does the predominance of the USA in the UN funding affect its decision-making? d). Evaluate the role of BIMSTEC in multi-sectoral technical and economic cooperation. e). Do you think that sustainable development goals are really attainable by 2030? Answer the following: a). Examine the significance of the comparative method in political analysis. Discuss its limitations. b). Explain the reasons for low voter turnout in democratic countries with suitable examples. c). Evaluate the role of the International Court of Justice in inter-State disputes. Answer the following: a). Explain the relevance of the Marxist approach in the context of globalization. b). Identify the benefits of a multi-polar world. c). Discuss the importance of personal data protection in the context of human rights. Answer the following: a). How are the rising powers challenging the USA and Western dominance in the IMF and the World Bank? b). Write an essay on ‘New Social Movements in developing countries. c). Is democracy promotion in developing countries a feasible idea? SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Examine the role of ‘parliamentary diplomacy’ in India’s foreign policy. b). Compare and contrast Non-alignment 1.0 with Non-alignment 2.0. c). How is India pursuing her foreign policy objectives through the IBSA Dialogue Forum (India, Brazil and South Africa)? d). How is India responding to the idea of Indo-Pacific? e). “The growing closeness between India and Israel will strengthen the cause of Palestine.” Comment. Answer the following: a). Describe briefly China’s ‘One Belt One Road (OBOR)’ Initiative and analyze India’s major concerns. b). What are the current issues in Brahmaputra River water sharing between India and China? c). Analyze the recent trends in India’s role in the UN peacekeeping operations. Answer the following: a). Examine the increasing significance of maritime security in India’s foreign policy. b). Write a brief note on India’s interests in West Asia. c). How is the current standoff between the USA and Iran affecting India’s energy security? Answer the following: a). Evaluate India’s vision of a new world order. b). Critically examine India’s position on South China Sea Dispute. c). Given the recent developments in the region, do you think that there is a need to change India’s ‘No First Use (NFU)’ nuclear policy? SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Resurgence of political theory. b). Pluralist theory of the State. c). End of Ideology debate. d). Deliberative democracy. e). M. K. Gandhi’s concept of Swaraj. Answer the following: a). Explain Aristotle’s critique of Plato’s Idealism. b). Examine communitarian perspectives on justice. c). Compare negative and positive concepts of liberty. Answer the following: a). According to Gramsci, ‘hegemony is primarily based on the organisation of consent.’ Comment. b). Discuss Kautilya’s views on the elements of the State. c). Distinguish between liberal feminism and radical feminism. Answer the following: a). Critically examine Hannah Arendt’s conceptual triad of labour, work and action. b). Discuss the doctrine of ‘rights as trumps’. c). What is the contemporary relevance of Marxism? SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Unity and integrity of India was perhaps the single uppermost factor in the minds of the Constitution makers. Comment. b). Dalit perspective on Indian national movement. Discuss. c). Despite constitutional mandate the Inter-State Council has not come of age. Discuss. d). Political decentralization has not been matched by administrative decentralization at the grass roots level. Explain e). Write a short note on the significance of the Chipko Movement. Answer the following: a). National movement in India was anti-imperialist and increasingly radical in its socio-economic and political programmes. Discuss. b). What has been the political fallout of the Green Revolution in India? Explain. c). The changing socio-economic profile of our legislators does not augur well for the health of Indian democracy. Comment. Answer the following: a). Development has overshadowed the influence of caste in electoral behaviour in recent elections. Discuss. b). The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India enhances the accountability of the Government and serves as the watchdog of the finances of the Government. Explain. c). Discuss, in brief, the role of the National Commission for women. Do you think it is a toothless organization? Answer the following: a). “The basic structure doctrine is implicit in the Indian Constitution; the Supreme Court has only given it an explicit form." Comment. b). Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has emerged as the most powerful institution in India. Discuss. c). Comment on the relevance of the Directive Principles of State Policy in an era of liberalization and globalization. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Discuss the utility of Nuclear Deterrence Theory in the context of the recent standoff between India and Pakistan. b). Write a brief note on the 17th NAM Summit in Venezuela. c). In what way does the predominance of the USA in the UN funding affect its decision-making? d). Evaluate the role of BIMSTEC in multi-sectoral technical and economic cooperation. e). Do you think that sustainable development goals are really attainable by 2030? Answer the following: a). Examine the significance of the comparative method in political analysis. Discuss its limitations. b). Explain the reasons for low voter turnout in democratic countries with suitable examples. c). Evaluate the role of the International Court of Justice in inter-State disputes. Answer the following: a). Explain the relevance of the Marxist approach in the context of globalization. b). Identify the benefits of a multi-polar world. c). Discuss the importance of personal data protection in the context of human rights. Answer the following: a). How are the rising powers challenging the USA and Western dominance in the IMF and the World Bank? b). Write an essay on ‘New Social Movements in developing countries. c). Is democracy promotion in developing countries a feasible idea? SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Examine the role of ‘parliamentary diplomacy’ in India’s foreign policy. b). Compare and contrast Non-alignment 1.0 with Non-alignment 2.0. c). How is India pursuing her foreign policy objectives through the IBSA Dialogue Forum (India, Brazil and South Africa)? d). How is India responding to the idea of Indo-Pacific? e). “The growing closeness between India and Israel will strengthen the cause of Palestine.” Comment. Answer the following: a). Describe briefly China’s ‘One Belt One Road (OBOR)’ Initiative and analyze India’s major concerns. b). What are the current issues in Brahmaputra River water sharing between India and China? c). Analyze the recent trends in India’s role in the UN peacekeeping operations. Answer the following: a). Examine the increasing significance of maritime security in India’s foreign policy. b). Write a brief note on India’s interests in West Asia. c). How is the current standoff between the USA and Iran affecting India’s energy security? Answer the following: a). Evaluate India’s vision of a new world order. b). Critically examine India’s position on South China Sea Dispute. c). Given the recent developments in the region, do you think that there is a need to change India’s ‘No First Use (NFU)’ nuclear policy? Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). John Stuart Mill is a ‘reluctant democrat”. - C. L. Wayper. b). Decline of Political Theory. c). Distributive Justice. d). Substantive Democracy. e). “Nothing against the State, nothing over it, nothing beyond it.” - Mussolini. Answer the following: a). Critically examine the neo-liberal theory of State. b). Analyse John Rawls justification of discrimination to achieve the goals of Justice. c). Equality means fair treatment rather than equal treatment. Comment. Answer the following: a). What do you understand by three generations of Human Rights? b). Critically examine Macpherson’s views on Democracy. c). Explain the relationship between power, authority and legitimacy. Answer the following: a). John Locke is the father of liberalism. Explain. b). Discuss Ambedkar’s ideas on ‘annihilation of caste’. c). Critically examine Machiavelli’s views on religion and politics. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Revolt of 1857 is a ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ or ‘First War of Independence’. b). Indian Constitution is a “Lawyers’ Paradise’. - Ivor Jennings. c). New Panchayat Raj is an effective instrument for women empowerment. d). Implementation of GST and NEET is a major challenge to Indian federalism. e). Political personalities are more significant than political parties in India. Answer the following: a). Whether judicial activism has undermined or strengthened Parliamentary Democracy in India? Discuss. b). Do the Lieutenant Governors have more powers than the Governors of the States? Explain. c). Critically examine the ethnic conflicts in North-East India. Answer the following: a). Examine the provisions of Panchayat Extension Services Act (PESA), 1996. b). Analyse the arguments in favour and against the lateral entry into higher civil services in India. c). Discuss asymmetrical federalism in India. Answer the following: a). Examine the various causes of agrarian crisis in India. b). Explain the increasing role of regional political parties in the national politics. c). Critically analyse the environmentalist movement in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Describe the changing nature of Comparative Politics. Briefly explain the Political Economy approach to the study of Comparative Politics. b). Describe the changing nature of the State in the developing societies in the context of inclusive growth in the 21st century. c). How big a role does identity play in determining political participation in the developing countries? Discuss your answer with suitable illustrations. d). Bring out the major differences between the Classical Realism of Hans Morgenthau and the Neorealism of Kenneth Waltz. e). What, according to Joseph Nye, are the major sources of a country’s soft power? Discuss its relevance in the contemporary world politics. Answer the following: a). Discuss the significance of Non-Aligned Movement as a unique contribution of the Non-Western world to World Politics. b). Discuss the consequences of Trump’s “America First” and Xi’s “Chinese Dream” on World Politics. c). “Some feel Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are a vital new road to economic growth, whereas others feel they perpetuate underdevelopment.” Discuss. Answer the following: a). Discuss the relevance of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on the security of women in conflict zones. b). Would you agree that the on-going debates on international environmental politics continue to be marred by a new North-South ideological divide over historical responsibility and developmental model? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. c). “Since its inception the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has failed to deliver on its promises.” What initiatives should be taken to reinvigorate the organization ? Answer the following: a). Critically examine the notion of “Asian Values” in the context of the on-going debates on human rights. b). Discuss the implications of the Trump-Kim Singapore Summit on the prospects of denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. c). Critically examine the Functionalist approach to the study of International Relations. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Do you agree with the view that the Indian Foreign Policy is increasingly being shaped by the Neoliberal outlook? Elaborate. b). “India is often said to have a rich strategic culture.” Discuss. c). Evaluate India’s stand on the recent Rohingya refugee issue. d). “India’s current foreign policy marks significant qualitative shifts from that of the previous regimes.” Discuss. e). Analyse the significance of India’s Look East Policy in the light of concerns of the indigenous peoples of North-east India. Answer the following: a). India’s coalitional diplomacy within the WTO has earned it wide appreciation. What accounts for the success of India’s coalitional diplomacy? b). “India’s capacity building programmes under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) has earned much goodwill for it in Africa.” Discuss. c). “India’s Research and Information System for Developing Countries” (RIS) is a major initiative in the area of South-South Cooperation. Discuss. Answer the following: a). Discuss the role of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in promoting India’s soft power abroad. b). Discuss the role of Indian diaspora in promoting Indo-US relations. c). Discuss the various impediments in India’s way to a permanent seat in the Security Council. Answer the following: a). Do you think that India’s capacity building role in Afghanistan has shrunk the strategic space for Pakistan there? Discuss. b). Critically assess the evolving convergence of India and China in the areas of trade and environment. c). Do you agree that the growing assertiveness of China is leading to multilayered Indo-Japan relations? Comment. SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). John Stuart Mill is a ‘reluctant democrat”. - C. L. Wayper. b). Decline of Political Theory. c). Distributive Justice. d). Substantive Democracy. e). “Nothing against the State, nothing over it, nothing beyond it.” - Mussolini. Answer the following: a). Critically examine the neo-liberal theory of State. b). Analyse John Rawls justification of discrimination to achieve the goals of Justice. c). Equality means fair treatment rather than equal treatment. Comment. Answer the following: a). What do you understand by three generations of Human Rights? b). Critically examine Macpherson’s views on Democracy. c). Explain the relationship between power, authority and legitimacy. Answer the following: a). John Locke is the father of liberalism. Explain. b). Discuss Ambedkar’s ideas on ‘annihilation of caste’. c). Critically examine Machiavelli’s views on religion and politics. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Revolt of 1857 is a ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ or ‘First War of Independence’. b). Indian Constitution is a “Lawyers’ Paradise’. - Ivor Jennings. c). New Panchayat Raj is an effective instrument for women empowerment. d). Implementation of GST and NEET is a major challenge to Indian federalism. e). Political personalities are more significant than political parties in India. Answer the following: a). Whether judicial activism has undermined or strengthened Parliamentary Democracy in India? Discuss. b). Do the Lieutenant Governors have more powers than the Governors of the States? Explain. c). Critically examine the ethnic conflicts in North-East India. Answer the following: a). Examine the provisions of Panchayat Extension Services Act (PESA), 1996. b). Analyse the arguments in favour and against the lateral entry into higher civil services in India. c). Discuss asymmetrical federalism in India. Answer the following: a). Examine the various causes of agrarian crisis in India. b). Explain the increasing role of regional political parties in the national politics. c). Critically analyse the environmentalist movement in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Describe the changing nature of Comparative Politics. Briefly explain the Political Economy approach to the study of Comparative Politics. b). Describe the changing nature of the State in the developing societies in the context of inclusive growth in the 21st century. c). How big a role does identity play in determining political participation in the developing countries? Discuss your answer with suitable illustrations. d). Bring out the major differences between the Classical Realism of Hans Morgenthau and the Neorealism of Kenneth Waltz. e). What, according to Joseph Nye, are the major sources of a country’s soft power? Discuss its relevance in the contemporary world politics. Answer the following: a). Discuss the significance of Non-Aligned Movement as a unique contribution of the Non-Western world to World Politics. b). Discuss the consequences of Trump’s “America First” and Xi’s “Chinese Dream” on World Politics. c). “Some feel Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are a vital new road to economic growth, whereas others feel they perpetuate underdevelopment.” Discuss. Answer the following: a). Discuss the relevance of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on the security of women in conflict zones. b). Would you agree that the on-going debates on international environmental politics continue to be marred by a new North-South ideological divide over historical responsibility and developmental model? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. c). “Since its inception the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has failed to deliver on its promises.” What initiatives should be taken to reinvigorate the organization ? Answer the following: a). Critically examine the notion of “Asian Values” in the context of the on-going debates on human rights. b). Discuss the implications of the Trump-Kim Singapore Summit on the prospects of denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. c). Critically examine the Functionalist approach to the study of International Relations. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Do you agree with the view that the Indian Foreign Policy is increasingly being shaped by the Neoliberal outlook? Elaborate. b). “India is often said to have a rich strategic culture.” Discuss. c). Evaluate India’s stand on the recent Rohingya refugee issue. d). “India’s current foreign policy marks significant qualitative shifts from that of the previous regimes.” Discuss. e). Analyse the significance of India’s Look East Policy in the light of concerns of the indigenous peoples of North-east India. Answer the following: a). India’s coalitional diplomacy within the WTO has earned it wide appreciation. What accounts for the success of India’s coalitional diplomacy? b). “India’s capacity building programmes under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) has earned much goodwill for it in Africa.” Discuss. c). “India’s Research and Information System for Developing Countries” (RIS) is a major initiative in the area of South-South Cooperation. Discuss. Answer the following: a). Discuss the role of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in promoting India’s soft power abroad. b). Discuss the role of Indian diaspora in promoting Indo-US relations. c). Discuss the various impediments in India’s way to a permanent seat in the Security Council. Answer the following: a). Do you think that India’s capacity building role in Afghanistan has shrunk the strategic space for Pakistan there? Discuss. b). Critically assess the evolving convergence of India and China in the areas of trade and environment. c). Do you agree that the growing assertiveness of China is leading to multilayered Indo-Japan relations? Comment. Paper-1 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). According to Sri Aurobindo, Swaraj is a necessary condition for India to accomplish its destined goal b). Neo-liberal perspective of State c). Post-modernism d). Eco-feminism e). Hobbesian notion of Political Obligation Answer the following: a). Rawls’ theory of justice is both contractual and distributive. Examine. b). Everywhere, inequality is a cause of revolution - Aristotle. Comment. c). Define Socialism. Discuss the salient features of Fabian Socialism. Answer the following: a). What do you understand by Multiculturalism? Discuss Bhikhu Parekh’s views on Multiculturalism. b). Deliberative democracy does not have its salience without participation and participatory democracy does not have its credence without deliberations. Comment. c). Differentiate between Freedom and Liberty. Discuss Marx’s notion of freedom. Answer the following: a). Political democracy could not last unless social democracy lay at its base - B.R. Ambedkar. Comment. b). Write a brief note on The End of History debate. c). What do you understand by the notion of Statecraft? Discuss the theory of statecraft as given by Kautilya. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). The success of Mahatma Gandhi lay in transforming both political and non-political movements into a unified nationalist movement. b). Right to privacy is an intrinsic part of the right to life. c). Indian federation has moved from cooperative federation to competitive federation. d). State subvention/funding may be an effective instrument in strengthening electoral democracy in India. e). In the post-liberalization era, Indian politics is moving from ascriptive politics to developmental politics. Answer the following: a). Differentiate parliamentary supremacy from parliamentary sovereignty. Would you consider the Indian Parliament as a Sovereign Parliament? Examine. b). Has the 73rd Constitutional Amendment empowered women in panchayats in India? Discuss. c). Religion is still an important factor in Indian politics. Discuss. Answer the following: a). India has moved from ‘one-party dominant system’ to ‘one-party led coalition’. Discuss. b). How is the President of India elected? Outline the salient characteristics of the electoral college of the Indian President. c). Examine the role of the National Commission for Minorities in preserving, promoting and protecting the rights of minorities in India. Answer the following: a). Judiciary has acquired the role of both a legislature and an executive in recent years. Examine with suitable examples. b). What do you understand by Green Revolution? Do you think that a Second Green Revolution is needed to adequately address the agrarian challenges in contemporary India? Examine. c). Differentiate Moderate Nationalism from Extremist/Militant Nationalism in terms of their objectives and means. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Explain the Political-Sociological Approach in the field of comparative politics and discuss its limitations. b). Critically examine the Globalisation in the past 25 years from the perspectives of the Western world. c). Examine the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) movement in developed societies and how it is affecting the political participation in developing societies. d). American President Donald Trump’s proposal to withdraw from the ‘NAFTA’ would bring unforeseen consequences to the regionalisation of world politics. Elaborate. e). Give an assessment of the Feminist critique of contemporary global issues. Answer the following: a). Is Realist Approach the best method to understand International Relations? Examine this in the context of Classical Realism. b). How has the development of Global Capitalism changed the nature of socialist economies and developing societies? c). Discuss the changing nature of the modern state with reference to transnational actors. Answer the following: a). “The development of advanced missile technology and nuclear threat by North Korea has challenged the American hegemony in South-East Asia.” Evaluate the above statement in the context of recent developments in the region. b). Do you endorse the view that the end of Bipolarity and the rise of multiple regional organisations has made Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) more or less irrelevant? c). Do you agree with the view that despite the limitations in the functioning of the UN, it has distinguished and unique achievements to its credit? Answer the following: a). The recent move of USA to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement is a setback in the consensus achieved on protecting the world environment. In this context, assess the future prospectives on climate control. b). How has ‘BREXIT’ affected the regionalisation process initiated by the European Union and what could be its likely impacts in the regionalisation process of world politics? c). Examine the World Systems Approach as developed by Immanuel Wallerstein. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Examine the Indian National Movement and geographical location of India as determinants of India’s foreign policy. b). What are the impediments in the development of South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA)? c). “The Treaty of Perpetual Peace and Friendship between India and Bhutan needs to be revised with more pragmatic, realistic obligations and responsibilities.” Comment. d). “India has been the largest and consistent country contributing to the UN peacekeepers worldwide.” Examine India’s role in this perspective. e). Has the recent Indo-Israeli relationships given a new dynamics to India’s stand on Palestinian statehood? Answer the following: a). Suggest measures so that India’s partnership with Africa becomes a true symbol of South-South Cooperation, delivering clear-cut economic and political dividends to both sides of the equation. b). “Despite the differences between India and Pakistan on various issues, Indus Water Treaty has stood the test of times.” In the light of this statement, discuss the recent developments over this issue. c). Analyse the stalled progress of Doha Round of WTO negotiations over the differences between the developed and the developing countries. Answer the following: a). How is the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ of China going to affect India-China relations? b). The recent differences between India and Russia are the result of misconceptions than facts. Elucidate. c). ‘Uniting for Consensus’ also known as ‘Coffee Club’ has opposed the claims of India and other countries over permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Point out their major objections. Answer the following: a). The natural behaviour of India and the United States is likely to serve each other’s interests. Hence, a deliberate strategy of dovetailing their efforts will obviously benefit both. Elaborate. b). Do you subscribe to the idea that in the new evolving Asian dynamics, Japan and India have not only moved closer in economic cooperation, but also in strategic partnership? c). The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has failed to achieve the ultimate objective of Global Nuclear Disarmament. Discuss the deficiency in the provision of NPT. SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). According to Sri Aurobindo, Swaraj is a necessary condition for India to accomplish its destined goal b). Neo-liberal perspective of State c). Post-modernism d). Eco-feminism e). Hobbesian notion of Political Obligation Answer the following: a). Rawls’ theory of justice is both contractual and distributive. Examine. b). Everywhere, inequality is a cause of revolution - Aristotle. Comment. c). Define Socialism. Discuss the salient features of Fabian Socialism. Answer the following: a). What do you understand by Multiculturalism? Discuss Bhikhu Parekh’s views on Multiculturalism. b). Deliberative democracy does not have its salience without participation and participatory democracy does not have its credence without deliberations. Comment. c). Differentiate between Freedom and Liberty. Discuss Marx’s notion of freedom. Answer the following: a). Political democracy could not last unless social democracy lay at its base - B.R. Ambedkar. Comment. b). Write a brief note on The End of History debate. c). What do you understand by the notion of Statecraft? Discuss the theory of statecraft as given by Kautilya. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). The success of Mahatma Gandhi lay in transforming both political and non-political movements into a unified nationalist movement. b). Right to privacy is an intrinsic part of the right to life. c). Indian federation has moved from cooperative federation to competitive federation. d). State subvention/funding may be an effective instrument in strengthening electoral democracy in India. e). In the post-liberalization era, Indian politics is moving from ascriptive politics to developmental politics. Answer the following: a). Differentiate parliamentary supremacy from parliamentary sovereignty. Would you consider the Indian Parliament as a Sovereign Parliament? Examine. b). Has the 73rd Constitutional Amendment empowered women in panchayats in India? Discuss. c). Religion is still an important factor in Indian politics. Discuss. Answer the following: a). India has moved from ‘one-party dominant system’ to ‘one-party led coalition’. Discuss. b). How is the President of India elected? Outline the salient characteristics of the electoral college of the Indian President. c). Examine the role of the National Commission for Minorities in preserving, promoting and protecting the rights of minorities in India. Answer the following: a). Judiciary has acquired the role of both a legislature and an executive in recent years. Examine with suitable examples. b). What do you understand by Green Revolution? Do you think that a Second Green Revolution is needed to adequately address the agrarian challenges in contemporary India? Examine. c). Differentiate Moderate Nationalism from Extremist/Militant Nationalism in terms of their objectives and means. Paper-2 SECTION ‘A’ Answer the following: a). Explain the Political-Sociological Approach in the field of comparative politics and discuss its limitations. b). Critically examine the Globalisation in the past 25 years from the perspectives of the Western world. c). Examine the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) movement in developed societies and how it is affecting the political participation in developing societies. d). American President Donald Trump’s proposal to withdraw from the ‘NAFTA’ would bring unforeseen consequences to the regionalisation of world politics. Elaborate. e). Give an assessment of the Feminist critique of contemporary global issues. Answer the following: a). Is Realist Approach the best method to understand International Relations? Examine this in the context of Classical Realism. b). How has the development of Global Capitalism changed the nature of socialist economies and developing societies? c). Discuss the changing nature of the modern state with reference to transnational actors. Answer the following: a). “The development of advanced missile technology and nuclear threat by North Korea has challenged the American hegemony in South-East Asia.” Evaluate the above statement in the context of recent developments in the region. b). Do you endorse the view that the end of Bipolarity and the rise of multiple regional organisations has made Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) more or less irrelevant? c). Do you agree with the view that despite the limitations in the functioning of the UN, it has distinguished and unique achievements to its credit? Answer the following: a). The recent move of USA to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement is a setback in the consensus achieved on protecting the world environment. In this context, assess the future prospectives on climate control. b). How has ‘BREXIT’ affected the regionalisation process initiated by the European Union and what could be its likely impacts in the regionalisation process of world politics? c). Examine the World Systems Approach as developed by Immanuel Wallerstein. SECTION ‘B’ Answer the following: a). Examine the Indian National Movement and geographical location of India as determinants of India’s foreign policy. b). What are the impediments in the development of South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA)? c). “The Treaty of Perpetual Peace and Friendship between India and Bhutan needs to be revised with more pragmatic, realistic obligations and responsibilities.” Comment. d). “India has been the largest and consistent country contributing to the UN peacekeepers worldwide.” Examine India’s role in this perspective. e). Has the recent Indo-Israeli relationships given a new dynamics to India’s stand on Palestinian statehood? Answer the following: a). Suggest measures so that India’s partnership with Africa becomes a true symbol of South-South Cooperation, delivering clear-cut economic and political dividends to both sides of the equation. b). “Despite the differences between India and Pakistan on various issues, Indus Water Treaty has stood the test of times.” In the light of this statement, discuss the recent developments over this issue. c). Analyse the stalled progress of Doha Round of WTO negotiations over the differences between the developed and the developing countries. Answer the following: a). How is the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ of China going to affect India-China relations? b). The recent differences between India and Russia are the result of misconceptions than facts. Elucidate. c). ‘Uniting for Consensus’ also known as ‘Coffee Club’ has opposed the claims of India and other countries over permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Point out their major objections. Answer the following: a). The natural behaviour of India and the United States is likely to serve each other’s interests. Hence, a deliberate strategy of dovetailing their efforts will obviously benefit both. Elaborate. b). Do you subscribe to the idea that in the new evolving Asian dynamics, Japan and India have not only moved closer in economic cooperation, but also in strategic partnership? c). The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has failed to achieve the ultimate objective of Global Nuclear Disarmament. Discuss the deficiency in the provision of NPT. Download PYQs PDF Online/Offline Programme Test Series Books DelhiPrayagraj Buy Now Buy Now

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Downloads     ChromeDriver     Chrome for Developers

Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Current Releases Warning:- If you are using Chrome version 115 or newer, consult the Chrome for Testing availability dashboard. This page provides convenient JSON endpoints for specific ChromeDriver version downloading. For lower versions of Chrome, see below for the version of ChromeDriver that supports it. For more information on selecting the right version of ChromeDriver, see the Version Selection page. ChromeDriver 114.0.5735.90 Supports Chrome version 114 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 114.0.5735.16 Supports Chrome version 114 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 113.0.5672.63 Supports Chrome version 113 Resolved issue 4205: Same object ids in Classic and BiDi Pri-1 Resolved issue 4302: Don’t assume that Mapper is in the first tab in ExecuteGetWindowHandles Pri-1 Resolved issue 4356: Chrome 110 not utilizing pref value “download.default_directory” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 113.0.5672.24 Supports Chrome version 113 Resolved issue 4205: Same object ids in Classic and BiDi Pri-1 Resolved issue 4302: Don’t assume that Mapper is in the first tab in ExecuteGetWindowHandles Pri-1 Resolved issue 4356: Chrome 110 not utilizing pref value “download.default_directory” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 112.0.5615.49 Supports Chrome version 112 Resolved issue 3517: Enable print feature for non-headless Pri- Resolved issue 4419: Large overhead on Speedometer when using chromedriver Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 112.0.5615.28 Supports Chrome version 112 Resolved issue 4357: Chromedriver version 110.0.5481.77 session issue with –headless and –user-data-dir options. Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.64 Supports Chrome version 111 Resolved issue 4216: Run ChromeDriver with custom BiDiMapper Pri- Resolved issue 4300: Window handle is interoperable between Classic and BiDi Pri- Resolved issue 4325: Handling of toJSON in jsonSerialize of call_function.js deviates from the standard. Pri- Resolved issue 4330: DCHECK fails at DevToolsClientImpl::AddListener Pri- Resolved issue 4357: ChromeDriver session issue with –headless and –user-data-dir options Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.41 Supports Chrome version 111 Resolved issue 4357: ChromeDriver session issue with –headless and –user-data-dir options Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.19 Supports Chrome version 111 Resolved issue 4216: Run ChromeDriver with custom BiDiMapper Pri- Resolved issue 4300: Window handle is interoperable between Classic and BiDi Pri- Resolved issue 4325: Handling of toJSON in jsonSerialize of call_function.js deviates from the standard. Pri- Resolved issue 4330: DCHECK fails at DevToolsClientImpl::AddListener Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 110.0.5481.77 Supports Chrome version 110 Resolved issue 4193: Failed to start new session on Android 13 Pri- Resolved issue 4272: WebSocket should treat code=0 as an indication of FIN Pri- Resolved issue 4276: Fix connectivity issues in ChromeDriver Pri- Resolved issue 4295: ChromeDriver with “webSocketUrl”: true is racy Pri- Resolved issue 4297: ChromeDriver Bidi serializes incorrectly Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 110.0.5481.30 Supports Chrome version 110 Resolved issue 4193: Failed to start new session on Android 13 Pri- Resolved issue 4272: WebSocket should treat code=0 as an indication of FIN Pri- Resolved issue 4276: Fix connectivity issues in ChromeDriver Pri- Resolved issue 4295: ChromeDriver with “webSocketUrl”: true is racy Pri- Resolved issue 4297: ChromeDriver Bidi serializes incorrectly Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 109.0.5414.74 Supports Chrome version 109 Resolved issue 4179: BiDi session must support multiple connections Pri- Resolved issue 4203: Improve credits information Pri- Resolved issue 4263: Crash on Meta+A Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 109.0.5414.25 Supports Chrome version 109 Resolved issue 4179: BiDi session must support multiple connections Pri- Resolved issue 4203: Improve credits information Pri- Resolved issue 4263: Crash on Meta+A Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 108.0.5359.71 Supports Chrome version 108 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 108.0.5359.22 Supports Chrome version 108 Resolved issue 4204: Fix the failing WPT test_top_level_and_one_child Pri- Resolved issue 4215: Rename chromedriver_mac64_m1 build to chromedriver_mac_arm64 Pri- Resolved issue 4221: Crash when a click command closes the browser Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 107.0.5304.62 Supports Chrome version 107 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 107.0.5304.18 Supports Chrome version 107 Resolved issue 4180: Prohibit any BiDi commands handling until notified that BiDiMapper has started Pri- Resolved issue 4198: ChromeDriver BiDi should not assume that BiDiMapper is always in the first tab Pri- Resolved issue 4207: WebDriver error when running WPT Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 106.0.5249.61 Supports Chrome version 106 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 106.0.5249.21 Supports Chrome version 106 Resolved issue 4016: Add basic BiDi support to ChromeDriver (Mapper based) Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 105.0.5195.52 Supports Chrome version 105 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 105.0.5195.19 Supports Chrome version For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.79 Supports Chrome version 104 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.29 Supports Chrome version 104 Resolved issue 4121: WebDriver command sometimes fails with “unexpected command response” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.20 Supports Chrome version 104 Resolved issue 4121: WebDriver command sometimes fails with “unexpected command response” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 103.0.5060.134 Supports Chrome version 103 Resolved issue 4048: target frame detached Pri- Resolved issue 4121: WebDriver command sometimes fails with “unexpected command response” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 103.0.5060.53 Supports Chrome version 103 Resolved issue 4048: target frame detached Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 103.0.5060.24 Supports Chrome version 103 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 102.0.5005.61 Supports Chrome version 102 Resolved issue 1309282: chromedriver does not support multivalued switches Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 102.0.5005.27 Supports Chrome version 102 Resolved issue 1309282: chromedriver does not support multivalued switches Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 101.0.4951.41 Supports Chrome version 101 Resolved issue 4046: DCHECK hit when appending empty fenced frame Pri- Resolved issue 4080: Switching to nested frame fails Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 101.0.4951.15 Supports Chrome version 101 Resolved issue 4046: DCHECK hit when appending empty fenced frame Pri- Resolved issue 4080: Switching to nested frame fails Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 100.0.4896.60 Supports Chrome version 100 Resolved issue 4002: Support Fenced Frames Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 100.0.4896.20 Supports Chrome version 100 Resolved issue 4002: Support Fenced Frames Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.51 Supports Chrome version 99 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.35 Supports Chrome version 99 REVERTED!!! Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 Resolved issue chromium:1295243: Regression in ChromeDriver sendKeys Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.17 Supports Chrome version 99 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 98.0.4758.102 Supports Chrome version 98 Resolved issue 3933: Click at edge of viewport is ineffective without error Pri- REVERTED!!! Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 Resolved issue chromium:1295243: Regression in ChromeDriver sendKeys Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 98.0.4758.80 Supports Chrome version 98 Resolved issue 3933: Click at edge of viewport is ineffective without error Pri- Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 98.0.4758.48 Supports Chrome version 98 Resolved issue 3933: Click at edge of viewport is ineffective without error Pri- Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 97.0.4692.71 Supports Chrome version 97 Resolved issue 3878: Better handling of fractional element coordinates for element click Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 97.0.4692.36 Supports Chrome version 97 Resolved issue 3878: Better handling of fractional element coordinates for element click Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 97.0.4692.20 Supports Chrome version 97 Resolved issue 3878: Better handling of fractional element coordinates for element click Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 96.0.4664.45 Supports Chrome version 96 Resolved issue 3445: Impossible to access elements in iframe inside a shadow root Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 96.0.4664.35 Supports Chrome version 96 Resolved issue 3445: Impossible to access elements in iframe inside a shadow root Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 96.0.4664.18 Supports Chrome version 96 Resolved issue 3445: Impossible to access elements in iframe inside a shadow root Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.69 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.54 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.17 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.10 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 94.0.4606.113 Supports Chrome version 94 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 94.0.4606.61 Supports Chrome version 94 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 94.0.4606.41 Supports Chrome version 94 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 93.0.4577.63 Supports Chrome version 93 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 93.0.4577.15 Supports Chrome version 93 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.107 Supports Chrome version 92 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.43 Supports Chrome version 92 Resolved issue 3389: Host validation for ChromeDriver requests For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 91.0.4472.101 Supports Chrome version 91 Resolved issue 1205107: Unable to get attribute value for fields on the web application. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 91.0.4472.19 Supports Chrome version 91 Resolved issue 3744: SendKeys() and Click() silently fail after link navigation Resolved issue 3746: attribute endpoint incorrectly updates values For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 90.0.4430.24 Supports Chrome version 90 Resolved issue 3708: GetElementLocation’s inView fails for elements in shadow DOM Resolved issue 3721: Collect performance log for service worker when enabled Resolved issue 3731: AdbImpl::GetPidByName does not work correctly on non-standard Android OS’s like on OnePlus Resolved issue 3733: Catastrophic failure with domain on localhost Resolved issue 3734: Driver should Error Attempting to set Cookie on Wrong Domain Resolved issue 3743: Refactor call function and fix remove element issue For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 89.0.4389.23 Supports Chrome version 89 Resolved issue 3667: Timed out receiving a message from renderer Resolved issue 3675: GetElementLocation uses inView method which mishandles boolean as array Resolved issue 3682: GetElementRegion returns incorrect size for elements which are partially out of viewport Resolved issue 3690: ChromeDriver fails if extensions use API For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 88.0.4324.96 Supports Chrome version 88 Resolved issue 3641: Page not getting loaded/rendered when browser window is not in focus with Chrome Beta v87 and chromedriver v(87/86) For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 88.0.4324.27 Supports Chrome version 88 Resolved issue 3611: getText() output in protractor different from <element>.innerText Resolved issue 3625: Improve element screenshot compatibility Resolved issue 3628: Stale Element Reference and wrong URL reported back with URL having another URL as part of its path Resolved issue 3631: Add support for the webauthn:extension:largeBlob capability Resolved issue 3635: Chromedriver 86 - chromedriver.quit() doesn’t seem to pass unload event properly Resolved issue 3649: Copying selected text to clipboard does not work on Windows 10 when using headless mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 87.0.4280.88 Supports Chrome version 87 Resolved issue 3641: Page not getting loaded/rendered when browser window is not in focus with Chrome Beta v87 and chromedriver v(87/86) Resolved issue 3657: Screenshot background browser timed out For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 87.0.4280.20 Supports Chrome version 87 Resolved issue 2421: Delete old port-forwarding channels on android adb-server Resolved issue 3474: Emulated mobile device list needs updating Resolved issue 3507: Implement “get computed role” Resolved issue 3508: Implement “get computed label” Resolved issue 3584: Rename ChromeDriver command line option –whitelisted-ips Resolved issue 3588: Bidi WebSocket connection Resolved issue 3594: Navigation completes prematurely if OOPIF loads before main page Resolved issue 3598: A command line option for devtools port to be forwarded to webview_devtools_remote socket Resolved issue 3608: Chromedriver debuggerAddress does not support ipv6 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 86.0.4240.22 Supports Chrome version 86 Resolved issue 3370: Shut down Chrome gracefully or cookie will not be correctly saved to SQLite persistence file Resolved issue 3401: Get Element Location JS does not locate the visible center of the element Resolved issue 3462: For sendKeys, CMD key don’t work for MAC Resolved issue 3541: Improve log between Client and ChromeDriver Resolved issue 3559: Output Chrome version when ChromeDriver reports incompatible For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 85.0.4183.87 Supports Chrome version 85 Resolved issue 3578: Chrome 85 no longer allows graceful interaction with windows when an alert dialog is open For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 85.0.4183.83 Supports Chrome version 85 Resolved issue 3577: ChromeDriver 85 does not detect changed Chrome directory (C:\Program Files) For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 85.0.4183.38 Supports Chrome version 85 Resolved issue 3214: ChromeDriver78: Sendkeys resets text selection with contenteditable Resolved issue 3376: Remove LaunchApp command from ChromeDriver Resolved issue 3432: Sometimes NavigationTracker fails to detect when the page has finished loading Resolved issue 3481: New Print endpoint according to w3c spec Resolved issue 3488: driver.get doesn’t throw error when proxy is wrong configured Resolved issue 3502: Use document.hasFocus() to check if element is focused Resolved issue 3515: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: bad inspector message For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 84.0.4147.30 Supports Chrome version 84 Resolved issue 3420: after switching to the print window, the chromedriver stops responding Resolved issue 3421: Driver returns Cyrillic text without styles Resolved issue 3422: GetElementText breaks with prototype Resolved issue 3434: Cannot get ‘assert’ messages from the ‘browser’ logs For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.39 Supports Chrome version 83 Updated Chromedriver to work correctly with prototype.js. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.14 Supports Chrome version 83 Resolved issue 1778: Deprecate launchApp from ChromeDriver Resolved issue 2520: InitSession can wait forever when Chrome is unresponsive Resolved issue 3120: Headless mode download from new tab Resolved issue 3234: Confirm semicolon found before substring Resolved issue 3240: ExecuteGetElementRect does not check returned status from GET_SIZE Resolved issue 3331: The get_cookies() method is returning ’expiry’ keys of type double, but should be int64 in w3c mode Resolved issue 3332: Retry timeout logged as severe Resolved issue 3339: Chromedriver exited unexpectedly with code null, signal SIGTRAP Resolved issue 3351: Improve Security Considerations message Resolved issue 3352: Support SendKeys for color elements Resolved issue 3353: Wait for Pending Navigation continues after frame context destroyed Resolved issue 3375: Chromedriver v80 hangs on getPageSource on some sites Resolved issue 3383: ChromeDriver 80+ on Windows seems to exit or stall on certain element or click commands Resolved issue 3399: Remove wasThrown check ChromeDriver 81.0.4044.138 Supports Chrome version 81 Updated Chromedriver to work correctly with prototype.js. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 81.0.4044.69 Supports Chrome version 81 Fixed: Chromedriver crashes on getPageSource on some sites. Fixed: ChromeDriver crashes on certain element or click commands. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 81.0.4044.20 Supports Chrome version 81 Fixed error when attempting to get location of html element. Get and Add Cookie commands are now frame specific. Resolved some issues that occur with sites that redefine standard Javascript objects. ChromeDriver will continue to wait for loading to complete after receiving a Target Closed message. Chromedriver now returns spec compliant error code for timeouts Fixed: ChromeDriver Unexpected Slow response time on NewSession Command. User-defined timeouts of over 10 minutes are now supported. Fixed: ChromeDriver unable to connect to DevTools due to IPv4 vs IPv6 mismatch. Restored search order for Chrome binary on Linux. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.106 Supports Chrome version 80 Restored search order for Chrome binary on Linux For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.16 Supports Chrome version 80 Fixed Load page was aborted when using a proxy. Chromedriver now waits for Current frame to load. ChromeDriver log will include the port used by the driver. Enabled SetGeoLocation for w3c mode. Added missing Alert text for UnexpectedAlertOpen status. Improved message when CRX2 Extension is loaded. Fixed a potential race condition in ExecuteGetPageSource. ChromeDriver will add –ignore-certificate-errors flag when acceptInsecureCerts capability is true Updated the error message and return status for no such execution context Fixed: ChromeDriver may block indefinitely while waiting for pending navigation. Added SameSite attribute to AddCookie and GetCookie. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 79.0.3945.36 Supports Chrome version 79 Includes the following change over version 79.0.3945.16: Fixed incorrect calculation of element coordinates For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 79.0.3945.16 Supports Chrome version 79 Fixed ChromeDriver crash caused by javascript alert fired during command execution Fixed a bug causing Chromedriver to lock when an alert is fired while taking a screenshot Removed –ignore-certificate-errors from Chrome launch command Changed platform and platformName to windows on Win10 Fixed undefined window.navigator.webdriver when “enable-automation” is excluded Fixed WPT test “test_not_editable_inputshidden” Fixed “Element is not clickable” when using headless mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 78.0.3904.105 Supports Chrome version 78 Includes the following change over version 78.0.3904.70: * Fixed incorrect calculation of element coordinates For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 78.0.3904.70 Supports Chrome version 78 Includes the following change over version 78.0.3904.11: Reverted the change to adjust screeshot size on retina display, due to multiple issues reported For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 78.0.3904.11 Supports Chrome version 78 Fixed several issues in JavaScript object serialization Fixed a bug in capability matching for Chrome on Android Implemented permissions automation Fixed screenshot size on retina display Fixed page load timeout in some scenarios Improved platformName capability matching Fixed error code returned while moving pointer to drop-down list options Fixed an issue affecting download in headless mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 77.0.3865.40 Supports Chrome version 77 Includes the following changes over version 77.0.3865.10: Fixed two bugs in serializing and deserializing JavaScript objects Fixed handling of platformName: android while matching capabilities For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 77.0.3865.10 Supports Chrome version 77 Fixed several issues in the implementation of Actions API Improved JavaScript code execution and result handling Fixed a bug that incorrectly rejected POST requests with empty body in OSS mode A more robust navigation tracker Support eager page load strategy Added New Window command from W3C WebDriver spec Support to save file downloads in headless mode Added support for loading CRX3 extensions For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.126 Supports Chrome version 76 Includes the following changes over version 76.0.3809.68: Fixed two bugs in serializing and deserializing JavaScript objects For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.68 Supports Chrome version 76 Includes the following changes over version 76.0.3809.25: Fixed a bug in detecting circular reference in JavaScript objects Fixed a bug that causes ChromeDriver to crash when certain types of JavaScript errors occur Fixed a bug that prevents actions API to interact with elements inside shadow DOMs Fixed a bug in keeping track of modifier key state between actions API commands Fixed a bug in keeping track of pointer locations between actions API commands Save “Cannot call non W3C standard command while in W3C mode” error to log file when it occurs For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.25 Supports Chrome version 76 Includes the following changes over version 76.0.3809.12: Fixed a bug that incorrectly rejected POST requests with empty body in OSS mode Added new endpoints for retrieving Chrome log Added endpoint for Is Displayed command in W3C mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.12 Supports Chrome version 76 Finished implementation of Actions API Improved spec compliance of script timeout handling Improved serialization of results from Execute Script command Fixed issues in scrolling element into view Added handling of Cancel key defined in WebDriver spec Fixed processing of unhandled alert error response Fixed processing of <details> element Updated excludeSwitches option to allow optional leading dashes in switch names For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.140 Supports Chrome version 75 Includes the following changes over version 75.0.3770.90: Fixed a bug that caused ChromeDriver to crash when some types of JavaScript error occurs Fixed a bug in preserving modifier key state between actions For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.90 Supports Chrome version 75 Includes the following changes over version 75.0.3770.8: Fixed a bug that incorrectly rejected POST requests with empty body in OSS mode Added new endpoints for retrieving Chrome log For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.8 Supports Chrome version 75 The most noticeable change is ChromeDriver now runs in W3C standard compliant mode by default. Other changes include: Fixed a bug that caused blur event to be raised twice during element clear Renamed capability loggingPrefs to goog:loggingPrefs, as required by W3C standard Fixed error handling in W3C mode Correct handling of creating cookies without leading dot in the domain name Allows null for script timeout Fixed Element Send Keys command to file input with ‘multiple’ attribute Fixed Get Active Element command to return “no such element” error when no active element exists Fixed navigation to malformed URL to return “invalid argument” error Fixed HTTP status code when invalid session id is received Fixed error response when input parameter is missing or malformed Fixed Execute Script command to handle line-oriented JavaScript comment For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 74.0.3729.6 Supports Chrome version 74 Fixed a bug that generated unexpected debug.log file on Windows Fixed mouse clicking and drag / drop inside SVG document Added cache-control header in responses from ChromeDriver Fixed the type of error when click is intercepted by a different element Fixed a bug that caused ChromeDriver to fail on Linux devices without /dev/shm Fixed some types of double click events Fixed Get Sessions command Fixed error checking in Switch To Frame command Fixed Get Page Source command For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 73.0.3683.68 Supports Chrome version 73 Fixed a bug that generated unexpected debug.log file on Windows Fixed error code returned from Execute Script command in some scenarios Added cache-control header in responses from ChromeDriver Made the HTTP server keep connection alive by default Fixed Close Window command to correctly handle user prompts Fixed error code returned while sending keys to disabled element Improved spec compliance of timeout value handling Improved spec compliance of Add Cookie command Increased HTTP server listening queue length Fixed Is Element Displayed command in v0 shadow DOM Added warning about Element Clear command behavior change in log file Fixed Execute Script command to correctly convert document.all into JSON format Improved handling of bad element reference For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 2.46 Supports Chrome v71-73 Fixed error code returned from Execute Script command in some scenarios Made the HTTP server keep connection alive by default Fixed Close Window command to correctly handle user prompts Fixed error code returned while sending keys to disabled element Improved spec compliance of timeout value handling Improved spec compliance of Add Cookie command Improved spec compliance of Switch to Frame command Increased HTTP server listening queue length Fixed Is Element Displayed command in v0 shadow DOM Fixed Element Double Click command Added warning about Element Clear command behavior change in log file Fixed Execute Script command to correctly convert document.all into JSON format Improved handling of bad element reference For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 2.45 Supports Chrome v70-72 Fixed New Session is not spec compliant Fixed ChromeDriver shouldn’t launch Chrome if Chrome and ChromeDriver versions are incompatible Fixed Find Element command returns wrong error code when an invalid locator is used Fixed Some ChromeDriver status codes are wrong Fixed Compile error in JS inside of WebViewImpl::DispatchTouchEventsForMouseEvents Fixed Window size commands should handle user prompts Fixed ChromeDriver doesn’t start Chrome correctly with Chrome option “user-data-dir=” Fixed Status command is not spec compliant Fixed Add support for strictFileInteractability ChromeDriver 2.44 Supports Chrome v69-71 Fixed WindowMaximize on Mac Fixed Incorrect ‘alert open error’ for window handle call Fixed Element Send Keys should get “text” property in W3C mode Fixed XML special case of Is Element Enabled is not handled as per spec Fixed XML special case of Get Element CSS Value is not handled as per spec Fixed Set Window Rect needs to check for invalid input Fixed Support new unhandledPromptBehavior modes ChromeDriver 2.43 Supports Chrome v69-71 Changes include: Fixed Parsing of proxy configuration is not standard compliant Fixed Launch app command is flaky Fixed Screenshot of element inside iFrame is taken incorrectly Added ChromeDriver supports window resizing over a remote connection Fixed Error codes are not handled in Clear element Fixed Not waiting until element is visible Fixed Get element property is not implemented Fixed Switch to Frame is not spec compliant Fixed Execute Async Script does not return spec compliant error codes Fixed Execute Script does not return spec compliant error codes Fixed Error code in ExecuteGet is not conformant with spec Fixed Send Alert Text is not returning spec compliant error codes Fixed clear() on an input type=“date” pretends element is not user-editable Fixed Chromedriver gets window handle for the tab which is opened manually Fixed Allow append or start a new log file for chromedriver Fixed New Session does not invoke w3c mode if flag is in firstMatch ChromeDriver 2.42 Supports Chrome v68-70 Changes include: Fixed ClickEelement in Mobile Emulation Fixed whitelisted IPs with IPv4 Fixed starting ChromeDriver with whitelisted-ips flag on Mac OS Fixed SetTimeout to accept both pre-W3C and W3C formats Fixed take element screenshot Fixed ChromeDriver is looking for Chrome binaries in a system PATH as well Fixed Maximize window and Full Screen Implemented log-replay feature. ( Does not work for Android and Remote Browser yet ) Fixed some error codes were not compliant to W3C standard Fixed console.log with multiple arguments not handled properly Fixed GetElementRect should allow doubles Fixed touch emulation ChromeDriver 2.41 Supports Chrome v67-69 Changes include: Fixed issue when ChromeDriver runs with “whitelisted-ips” option Remote Debugging Port is returned in capabilities Implemented getting window size on Android Desktop Chrome launch error messages are improved ChromeDriver fails fast when unable to start Chrome binaries Close Window return value conforms with spec Warning:- If you are using Chrome version 115 or newer, consult the Chrome for Testing availability dashboard. This page provides convenient JSON endpoints for specific ChromeDriver version downloading. For lower versions of Chrome, see below for the version of ChromeDriver that supports it. For more information on selecting the right version of ChromeDriver, see the Version Selection page. ChromeDriver 114.0.5735.90 Supports Chrome version 114 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 114.0.5735.16 Supports Chrome version 114 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 113.0.5672.63 Supports Chrome version 113 Resolved issue 4205: Same object ids in Classic and BiDi Pri-1 Resolved issue 4302: Don’t assume that Mapper is in the first tab in ExecuteGetWindowHandles Pri-1 Resolved issue 4356: Chrome 110 not utilizing pref value “download.default_directory” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 113.0.5672.24 Supports Chrome version 113 Resolved issue 4205: Same object ids in Classic and BiDi Pri-1 Resolved issue 4302: Don’t assume that Mapper is in the first tab in ExecuteGetWindowHandles Pri-1 Resolved issue 4356: Chrome 110 not utilizing pref value “download.default_directory” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 112.0.5615.49 Supports Chrome version 112 Resolved issue 3517: Enable print feature for non-headless Pri- Resolved issue 4419: Large overhead on Speedometer when using chromedriver Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 112.0.5615.28 Supports Chrome version 112 Resolved issue 4357: Chromedriver version 110.0.5481.77 session issue with –headless and –user-data-dir options. Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.64 Supports Chrome version 111 Resolved issue 4216: Run ChromeDriver with custom BiDiMapper Pri- Resolved issue 4300: Window handle is interoperable between Classic and BiDi Pri- Resolved issue 4325: Handling of toJSON in jsonSerialize of call_function.js deviates from the standard. Pri- Resolved issue 4330: DCHECK fails at DevToolsClientImpl::AddListener Pri- Resolved issue 4357: ChromeDriver session issue with –headless and –user-data-dir options Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.41 Supports Chrome version 111 Resolved issue 4357: ChromeDriver session issue with –headless and –user-data-dir options Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.19 Supports Chrome version 111 Resolved issue 4216: Run ChromeDriver with custom BiDiMapper Pri- Resolved issue 4300: Window handle is interoperable between Classic and BiDi Pri- Resolved issue 4325: Handling of toJSON in jsonSerialize of call_function.js deviates from the standard. Pri- Resolved issue 4330: DCHECK fails at DevToolsClientImpl::AddListener Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 110.0.5481.77 Supports Chrome version 110 Resolved issue 4193: Failed to start new session on Android 13 Pri- Resolved issue 4272: WebSocket should treat code=0 as an indication of FIN Pri- Resolved issue 4276: Fix connectivity issues in ChromeDriver Pri- Resolved issue 4295: ChromeDriver with “webSocketUrl”: true is racy Pri- Resolved issue 4297: ChromeDriver Bidi serializes incorrectly Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 110.0.5481.30 Supports Chrome version 110 Resolved issue 4193: Failed to start new session on Android 13 Pri- Resolved issue 4272: WebSocket should treat code=0 as an indication of FIN Pri- Resolved issue 4276: Fix connectivity issues in ChromeDriver Pri- Resolved issue 4295: ChromeDriver with “webSocketUrl”: true is racy Pri- Resolved issue 4297: ChromeDriver Bidi serializes incorrectly Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 109.0.5414.74 Supports Chrome version 109 Resolved issue 4179: BiDi session must support multiple connections Pri- Resolved issue 4203: Improve credits information Pri- Resolved issue 4263: Crash on Meta+A Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 109.0.5414.25 Supports Chrome version 109 Resolved issue 4179: BiDi session must support multiple connections Pri- Resolved issue 4203: Improve credits information Pri- Resolved issue 4263: Crash on Meta+A Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 108.0.5359.71 Supports Chrome version 108 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 108.0.5359.22 Supports Chrome version 108 Resolved issue 4204: Fix the failing WPT test_top_level_and_one_child Pri- Resolved issue 4215: Rename chromedriver_mac64_m1 build to chromedriver_mac_arm64 Pri- Resolved issue 4221: Crash when a click command closes the browser Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 107.0.5304.62 Supports Chrome version 107 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 107.0.5304.18 Supports Chrome version 107 Resolved issue 4180: Prohibit any BiDi commands handling until notified that BiDiMapper has started Pri- Resolved issue 4198: ChromeDriver BiDi should not assume that BiDiMapper is always in the first tab Pri- Resolved issue 4207: WebDriver error when running WPT Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 106.0.5249.61 Supports Chrome version 106 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 106.0.5249.21 Supports Chrome version 106 Resolved issue 4016: Add basic BiDi support to ChromeDriver (Mapper based) Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 105.0.5195.52 Supports Chrome version 105 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 105.0.5195.19 Supports Chrome version For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.79 Supports Chrome version 104 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.29 Supports Chrome version 104 Resolved issue 4121: WebDriver command sometimes fails with “unexpected command response” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.20 Supports Chrome version 104 Resolved issue 4121: WebDriver command sometimes fails with “unexpected command response” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 103.0.5060.134 Supports Chrome version 103 Resolved issue 4048: target frame detached Pri- Resolved issue 4121: WebDriver command sometimes fails with “unexpected command response” Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 103.0.5060.53 Supports Chrome version 103 Resolved issue 4048: target frame detached Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 103.0.5060.24 Supports Chrome version 103 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 102.0.5005.61 Supports Chrome version 102 Resolved issue 1309282: chromedriver does not support multivalued switches Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 102.0.5005.27 Supports Chrome version 102 Resolved issue 1309282: chromedriver does not support multivalued switches Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 101.0.4951.41 Supports Chrome version 101 Resolved issue 4046: DCHECK hit when appending empty fenced frame Pri- Resolved issue 4080: Switching to nested frame fails Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 101.0.4951.15 Supports Chrome version 101 Resolved issue 4046: DCHECK hit when appending empty fenced frame Pri- Resolved issue 4080: Switching to nested frame fails Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 100.0.4896.60 Supports Chrome version 100 Resolved issue 4002: Support Fenced Frames Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 100.0.4896.20 Supports Chrome version 100 Resolved issue 4002: Support Fenced Frames Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.51 Supports Chrome version 99 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.35 Supports Chrome version 99 REVERTED!!! Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 Resolved issue chromium:1295243: Regression in ChromeDriver sendKeys Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 99.0.4844.17 Supports Chrome version 99 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 98.0.4758.102 Supports Chrome version 98 Resolved issue 3933: Click at edge of viewport is ineffective without error Pri- REVERTED!!! Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 Resolved issue chromium:1295243: Regression in ChromeDriver sendKeys Pri-1 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 98.0.4758.80 Supports Chrome version 98 Resolved issue 3933: Click at edge of viewport is ineffective without error Pri- Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 98.0.4758.48 Supports Chrome version 98 Resolved issue 3933: Click at edge of viewport is ineffective without error Pri- Resolved issue 2269: Impossible to use non-BMP characters (code points above U+FFFF) Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 97.0.4692.71 Supports Chrome version 97 Resolved issue 3878: Better handling of fractional element coordinates for element click Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 97.0.4692.36 Supports Chrome version 97 Resolved issue 3878: Better handling of fractional element coordinates for element click Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 97.0.4692.20 Supports Chrome version 97 Resolved issue 3878: Better handling of fractional element coordinates for element click Pri- For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 96.0.4664.45 Supports Chrome version 96 Resolved issue 3445: Impossible to access elements in iframe inside a shadow root Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 96.0.4664.35 Supports Chrome version 96 Resolved issue 3445: Impossible to access elements in iframe inside a shadow root Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 96.0.4664.18 Supports Chrome version 96 Resolved issue 3445: Impossible to access elements in iframe inside a shadow root Pri-3 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.69 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.54 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.17 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 95.0.4638.10 Supports Chrome version 95 Resolved issue 3857: Host header or origin header is specified and is not whitelisted or localhost Pri-1 Added –allowed-origins argument For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 94.0.4606.113 Supports Chrome version 94 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 94.0.4606.61 Supports Chrome version 94 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 94.0.4606.41 Supports Chrome version 94 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 93.0.4577.63 Supports Chrome version 93 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 93.0.4577.15 Supports Chrome version 93 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.107 Supports Chrome version 92 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.43 Supports Chrome version 92 Resolved issue 3389: Host validation for ChromeDriver requests For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 91.0.4472.101 Supports Chrome version 91 Resolved issue 1205107: Unable to get attribute value for fields on the web application. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 91.0.4472.19 Supports Chrome version 91 Resolved issue 3744: SendKeys() and Click() silently fail after link navigation Resolved issue 3746: attribute endpoint incorrectly updates values For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 90.0.4430.24 Supports Chrome version 90 Resolved issue 3708: GetElementLocation’s inView fails for elements in shadow DOM Resolved issue 3721: Collect performance log for service worker when enabled Resolved issue 3731: AdbImpl::GetPidByName does not work correctly on non-standard Android OS’s like on OnePlus Resolved issue 3733: Catastrophic failure with domain on localhost Resolved issue 3734: Driver should Error Attempting to set Cookie on Wrong Domain Resolved issue 3743: Refactor call function and fix remove element issue For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 89.0.4389.23 Supports Chrome version 89 Resolved issue 3667: Timed out receiving a message from renderer Resolved issue 3675: GetElementLocation uses inView method which mishandles boolean as array Resolved issue 3682: GetElementRegion returns incorrect size for elements which are partially out of viewport Resolved issue 3690: ChromeDriver fails if extensions use API For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 88.0.4324.96 Supports Chrome version 88 Resolved issue 3641: Page not getting loaded/rendered when browser window is not in focus with Chrome Beta v87 and chromedriver v(87/86) For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 88.0.4324.27 Supports Chrome version 88 Resolved issue 3611: getText() output in protractor different from <element>.innerText Resolved issue 3625: Improve element screenshot compatibility Resolved issue 3628: Stale Element Reference and wrong URL reported back with URL having another URL as part of its path Resolved issue 3631: Add support for the webauthn:extension:largeBlob capability Resolved issue 3635: Chromedriver 86 - chromedriver.quit() doesn’t seem to pass unload event properly Resolved issue 3649: Copying selected text to clipboard does not work on Windows 10 when using headless mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 87.0.4280.88 Supports Chrome version 87 Resolved issue 3641: Page not getting loaded/rendered when browser window is not in focus with Chrome Beta v87 and chromedriver v(87/86) Resolved issue 3657: Screenshot background browser timed out For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 87.0.4280.20 Supports Chrome version 87 Resolved issue 2421: Delete old port-forwarding channels on android adb-server Resolved issue 3474: Emulated mobile device list needs updating Resolved issue 3507: Implement “get computed role” Resolved issue 3508: Implement “get computed label” Resolved issue 3584: Rename ChromeDriver command line option –whitelisted-ips Resolved issue 3588: Bidi WebSocket connection Resolved issue 3594: Navigation completes prematurely if OOPIF loads before main page Resolved issue 3598: A command line option for devtools port to be forwarded to webview_devtools_remote socket Resolved issue 3608: Chromedriver debuggerAddress does not support ipv6 For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 86.0.4240.22 Supports Chrome version 86 Resolved issue 3370: Shut down Chrome gracefully or cookie will not be correctly saved to SQLite persistence file Resolved issue 3401: Get Element Location JS does not locate the visible center of the element Resolved issue 3462: For sendKeys, CMD key don’t work for MAC Resolved issue 3541: Improve log between Client and ChromeDriver Resolved issue 3559: Output Chrome version when ChromeDriver reports incompatible For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 85.0.4183.87 Supports Chrome version 85 Resolved issue 3578: Chrome 85 no longer allows graceful interaction with windows when an alert dialog is open For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 85.0.4183.83 Supports Chrome version 85 Resolved issue 3577: ChromeDriver 85 does not detect changed Chrome directory (C:\Program Files) For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 85.0.4183.38 Supports Chrome version 85 Resolved issue 3214: ChromeDriver78: Sendkeys resets text selection with contenteditable Resolved issue 3376: Remove LaunchApp command from ChromeDriver Resolved issue 3432: Sometimes NavigationTracker fails to detect when the page has finished loading Resolved issue 3481: New Print endpoint according to w3c spec Resolved issue 3488: driver.get doesn’t throw error when proxy is wrong configured Resolved issue 3502: Use document.hasFocus() to check if element is focused Resolved issue 3515: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: bad inspector message For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 84.0.4147.30 Supports Chrome version 84 Resolved issue 3420: after switching to the print window, the chromedriver stops responding Resolved issue 3421: Driver returns Cyrillic text without styles Resolved issue 3422: GetElementText breaks with prototype Resolved issue 3434: Cannot get ‘assert’ messages from the ‘browser’ logs For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.39 Supports Chrome version 83 Updated Chromedriver to work correctly with prototype.js. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.14 Supports Chrome version 83 Resolved issue 1778: Deprecate launchApp from ChromeDriver Resolved issue 2520: InitSession can wait forever when Chrome is unresponsive Resolved issue 3120: Headless mode download from new tab Resolved issue 3234: Confirm semicolon found before substring Resolved issue 3240: ExecuteGetElementRect does not check returned status from GET_SIZE Resolved issue 3331: The get_cookies() method is returning ’expiry’ keys of type double, but should be int64 in w3c mode Resolved issue 3332: Retry timeout logged as severe Resolved issue 3339: Chromedriver exited unexpectedly with code null, signal SIGTRAP Resolved issue 3351: Improve Security Considerations message Resolved issue 3352: Support SendKeys for color elements Resolved issue 3353: Wait for Pending Navigation continues after frame context destroyed Resolved issue 3375: Chromedriver v80 hangs on getPageSource on some sites Resolved issue 3383: ChromeDriver 80+ on Windows seems to exit or stall on certain element or click commands Resolved issue 3399: Remove wasThrown check ChromeDriver 81.0.4044.138 Supports Chrome version 81 Updated Chromedriver to work correctly with prototype.js. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 81.0.4044.69 Supports Chrome version 81 Fixed: Chromedriver crashes on getPageSource on some sites. Fixed: ChromeDriver crashes on certain element or click commands. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 81.0.4044.20 Supports Chrome version 81 Fixed error when attempting to get location of html element. Get and Add Cookie commands are now frame specific. Resolved some issues that occur with sites that redefine standard Javascript objects. ChromeDriver will continue to wait for loading to complete after receiving a Target Closed message. Chromedriver now returns spec compliant error code for timeouts Fixed: ChromeDriver Unexpected Slow response time on NewSession Command. User-defined timeouts of over 10 minutes are now supported. Fixed: ChromeDriver unable to connect to DevTools due to IPv4 vs IPv6 mismatch. Restored search order for Chrome binary on Linux. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.106 Supports Chrome version 80 Restored search order for Chrome binary on Linux For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.16 Supports Chrome version 80 Fixed Load page was aborted when using a proxy. Chromedriver now waits for Current frame to load. ChromeDriver log will include the port used by the driver. Enabled SetGeoLocation for w3c mode. Added missing Alert text for UnexpectedAlertOpen status. Improved message when CRX2 Extension is loaded. Fixed a potential race condition in ExecuteGetPageSource. ChromeDriver will add –ignore-certificate-errors flag when acceptInsecureCerts capability is true Updated the error message and return status for no such execution context Fixed: ChromeDriver may block indefinitely while waiting for pending navigation. Added SameSite attribute to AddCookie and GetCookie. For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 79.0.3945.36 Supports Chrome version 79 Includes the following change over version 79.0.3945.16: Fixed incorrect calculation of element coordinates For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 79.0.3945.16 Supports Chrome version 79 Fixed ChromeDriver crash caused by javascript alert fired during command execution Fixed a bug causing Chromedriver to lock when an alert is fired while taking a screenshot Removed –ignore-certificate-errors from Chrome launch command Changed platform and platformName to windows on Win10 Fixed undefined window.navigator.webdriver when “enable-automation” is excluded Fixed WPT test “test_not_editable_inputshidden” Fixed “Element is not clickable” when using headless mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 78.0.3904.105 Supports Chrome version 78 Includes the following change over version 78.0.3904.70: * Fixed incorrect calculation of element coordinates For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 78.0.3904.70 Supports Chrome version 78 Includes the following change over version 78.0.3904.11: Reverted the change to adjust screeshot size on retina display, due to multiple issues reported For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 78.0.3904.11 Supports Chrome version 78 Fixed several issues in JavaScript object serialization Fixed a bug in capability matching for Chrome on Android Implemented permissions automation Fixed screenshot size on retina display Fixed page load timeout in some scenarios Improved platformName capability matching Fixed error code returned while moving pointer to drop-down list options Fixed an issue affecting download in headless mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 77.0.3865.40 Supports Chrome version 77 Includes the following changes over version 77.0.3865.10: Fixed two bugs in serializing and deserializing JavaScript objects Fixed handling of platformName: android while matching capabilities For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 77.0.3865.10 Supports Chrome version 77 Fixed several issues in the implementation of Actions API Improved JavaScript code execution and result handling Fixed a bug that incorrectly rejected POST requests with empty body in OSS mode A more robust navigation tracker Support eager page load strategy Added New Window command from W3C WebDriver spec Support to save file downloads in headless mode Added support for loading CRX3 extensions For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.126 Supports Chrome version 76 Includes the following changes over version 76.0.3809.68: Fixed two bugs in serializing and deserializing JavaScript objects For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.68 Supports Chrome version 76 Includes the following changes over version 76.0.3809.25: Fixed a bug in detecting circular reference in JavaScript objects Fixed a bug that causes ChromeDriver to crash when certain types of JavaScript errors occur Fixed a bug that prevents actions API to interact with elements inside shadow DOMs Fixed a bug in keeping track of modifier key state between actions API commands Fixed a bug in keeping track of pointer locations between actions API commands Save “Cannot call non W3C standard command while in W3C mode” error to log file when it occurs For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.25 Supports Chrome version 76 Includes the following changes over version 76.0.3809.12: Fixed a bug that incorrectly rejected POST requests with empty body in OSS mode Added new endpoints for retrieving Chrome log Added endpoint for Is Displayed command in W3C mode For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.12 Supports Chrome version 76 Finished implementation of Actions API Improved spec compliance of script timeout handling Improved serialization of results from Execute Script command Fixed issues in scrolling element into view Added handling of Cancel key defined in WebDriver spec Fixed processing of unhandled alert error response Fixed processing of <details> element Updated excludeSwitches option to allow optional leading dashes in switch names For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.140 Supports Chrome version 75 Includes the following changes over version 75.0.3770.90: Fixed a bug that caused ChromeDriver to crash when some types of JavaScript error occurs Fixed a bug in preserving modifier key state between actions For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.90 Supports Chrome version 75 Includes the following changes over version 75.0.3770.8: Fixed a bug that incorrectly rejected POST requests with empty body in OSS mode Added new endpoints for retrieving Chrome log For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.8 Supports Chrome version 75 The most noticeable change is ChromeDriver now runs in W3C standard compliant mode by default. Other changes include: Fixed a bug that caused blur event to be raised twice during element clear Renamed capability loggingPrefs to goog:loggingPrefs, as required by W3C standard Fixed error handling in W3C mode Correct handling of creating cookies without leading dot in the domain name Allows null for script timeout Fixed Element Send Keys command to file input with ‘multiple’ attribute Fixed Get Active Element command to return “no such element” error when no active element exists Fixed navigation to malformed URL to return “invalid argument” error Fixed HTTP status code when invalid session id is received Fixed error response when input parameter is missing or malformed Fixed Execute Script command to handle line-oriented JavaScript comment For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 74.0.3729.6 Supports Chrome version 74 Fixed a bug that generated unexpected debug.log file on Windows Fixed mouse clicking and drag / drop inside SVG document Added cache-control header in responses from ChromeDriver Fixed the type of error when click is intercepted by a different element Fixed a bug that caused ChromeDriver to fail on Linux devices without /dev/shm Fixed some types of double click events Fixed Get Sessions command Fixed error checking in Switch To Frame command Fixed Get Page Source command For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 73.0.3683.68 Supports Chrome version 73 Fixed a bug that generated unexpected debug.log file on Windows Fixed error code returned from Execute Script command in some scenarios Added cache-control header in responses from ChromeDriver Made the HTTP server keep connection alive by default Fixed Close Window command to correctly handle user prompts Fixed error code returned while sending keys to disabled element Improved spec compliance of timeout value handling Improved spec compliance of Add Cookie command Increased HTTP server listening queue length Fixed Is Element Displayed command in v0 shadow DOM Added warning about Element Clear command behavior change in log file Fixed Execute Script command to correctly convert document.all into JSON format Improved handling of bad element reference For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 2.46 Supports Chrome v71-73 Fixed error code returned from Execute Script command in some scenarios Made the HTTP server keep connection alive by default Fixed Close Window command to correctly handle user prompts Fixed error code returned while sending keys to disabled element Improved spec compliance of timeout value handling Improved spec compliance of Add Cookie command Improved spec compliance of Switch to Frame command Increased HTTP server listening queue length Fixed Is Element Displayed command in v0 shadow DOM Fixed Element Double Click command Added warning about Element Clear command behavior change in log file Fixed Execute Script command to correctly convert document.all into JSON format Improved handling of bad element reference For more details, see the release notes. ChromeDriver 2.45 Supports Chrome v70-72 Fixed New Session is not spec compliant Fixed ChromeDriver shouldn’t launch Chrome if Chrome and ChromeDriver versions are incompatible Fixed Find Element command returns wrong error code when an invalid locator is used Fixed Some ChromeDriver status codes are wrong Fixed Compile error in JS inside of WebViewImpl::DispatchTouchEventsForMouseEvents Fixed Window size commands should handle user prompts Fixed ChromeDriver doesn’t start Chrome correctly with Chrome option “user-data-dir=” Fixed Status command is not spec compliant Fixed Add support for strictFileInteractability ChromeDriver 2.44 Supports Chrome v69-71 Fixed WindowMaximize on Mac Fixed Incorrect ‘alert open error’ for window handle call Fixed Element Send Keys should get “text” property in W3C mode Fixed XML special case of Is Element Enabled is not handled as per spec Fixed XML special case of Get Element CSS Value is not handled as per spec Fixed Set Window Rect needs to check for invalid input Fixed Support new unhandledPromptBehavior modes ChromeDriver 2.43 Supports Chrome v69-71 Changes include: Fixed Parsing of proxy configuration is not standard compliant Fixed Launch app command is flaky Fixed Screenshot of element inside iFrame is taken incorrectly Added ChromeDriver supports window resizing over a remote connection Fixed Error codes are not handled in Clear element Fixed Not waiting until element is visible Fixed Get element property is not implemented Fixed Switch to Frame is not spec compliant Fixed Execute Async Script does not return spec compliant error codes Fixed Execute Script does not return spec compliant error codes Fixed Error code in ExecuteGet is not conformant with spec Fixed Send Alert Text is not returning spec compliant error codes Fixed clear() on an input type=“date” pretends element is not user-editable Fixed Chromedriver gets window handle for the tab which is opened manually Fixed Allow append or start a new log file for chromedriver Fixed New Session does not invoke w3c mode if flag is in firstMatch ChromeDriver 2.42 Supports Chrome v68-70 Changes include: Fixed ClickEelement in Mobile Emulation Fixed whitelisted IPs with IPv4 Fixed starting ChromeDriver with whitelisted-ips flag on Mac OS Fixed SetTimeout to accept both pre-W3C and W3C formats Fixed take element screenshot Fixed ChromeDriver is looking for Chrome binaries in a system PATH as well Fixed Maximize window and Full Screen Implemented log-replay feature. ( Does not work for Android and Remote Browser yet ) Fixed some error codes were not compliant to W3C standard Fixed console.log with multiple arguments not handled properly Fixed GetElementRect should allow doubles Fixed touch emulation ChromeDriver 2.41 Supports Chrome v67-69 Changes include: Fixed issue when ChromeDriver runs with “whitelisted-ips” option Remote Debugging Port is returned in capabilities Implemented getting window size on Android Desktop Chrome launch error messages are improved ChromeDriver fails fast when unable to start Chrome binaries Close Window return value conforms with spec

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