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Artur MartirosianMARTIROSIAN LANDS BOUNTY DOUBLE IN MONTE CARLO The Russian pro Artur Martirosian turned his attention to Player of the Year after taking down both the NLH and PLO events in Monte Carlo, underlining his mastery of this format and becoming the latest player to deny Isaac Haxton a first title. Top five finishers: 1 – Artur Martirosian, Russia – $345,000 + $180,000 in bounties 2 – Isaac Haxton, USA – $240,000 + $30,000 in bounties 3 – Dan Smith, USA – $159,000 + $120,000 in bounties 4 – Ren Lin, USA – $124,500 + $180,000 in bounties 5 – Michael Duek, USA – $100,000 75 entries | Prize pool: $1,875,000 (inc. $570,000 in bounty pool)FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #15 – $100K PLO 6-HANDED Eelis ParssinenFINLAND’S FINEST PARSSINEN LANDS PLO MAIN EVENT The Nordics invaded Monte Carlo for the PLO phase of the Triton Series — and one of their very best four-card players, Finland’s Eelis Parssinen, took down the big one for a career-best $2.27 million, and a Jacob & Co timepiece. Top five finishers: 1 – Eelis Parssinen, Finland – $2,270,000 2 – Dan Dvoress, Canada – $1,563,000 3 – Espen Myrmo, Norway – $1,029,000 4 – Sean Winter, USA – $836,000 5 – Phil Ivey, USA – $667,000 87 entries | Prize pool: $8,700,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #13 – $50K 6-HANDED PLO Ben TollereneTOLLERENE FINDS MONTE CARLO SALVATION IN PLO Returning to his first love after a difficult no limit hold’em phase of this trip to Monte Carlo, Ben Tollerene blasted through a 69-entry field to pick up a $1m+ victory and a second Triton title. Top five finishers: 1 – Ben Tollerene, USA – $1,070,000 2 – Michael Duek, USA – $736,000 3 – Maxi Lehmanski, Germany – $485,000 4 – Zhou Quan, China – $393,000 5 – Joni Joukemainen, Finland – $314,500 82 entries | Prize pool: $4,100,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #12 – $150K NLH 8-HANDED Vladimir KorzininKORZININ WRITES NEW CHAPTER IN MONACO FAIRYTALE A complete novice who only took up poker a couple of months ago, Vladimir Korzinin might have thought his time in Monte Carlo couldn’t get any better than a second-place finish in the $200K Invitational. But that was just the beginning… Top five finishers: 1 – Vladimir Korzinin, Estonia – $4,350,000 2 – Ossi Ketola, Finland – $2,970,000 3 – Fedor Holz, Germany – $1,962,000 4 – Bryn Kenney, USA – $1,616,000 5 – Stephen Chidwick, UK – $1,300,000 121 entries | Prize pool: $18,150,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #11 – $60K NLH TURBO Igor YaroshevskyyTWO-TIME YAROSHEVSKYY AS UKRAINIAN BAGS TURBO WIN As the Main Event played to its final, eliminated players had another chance for glory in a single-day NLH Turbo. And Ukraine’s Igor Yaroshevskyy seized the opportunity with both hands, chopping heads-up with Alex Theologis before closing out his second Triton win. Top five finishers: 1 – Igor Yaroshevskyy, Ukraine – $862,357* 2 – Alex Theologis, Greece – $860,143* 3 – Dominykas Mikolaitis, Lithuania – $468,900 4 – Luc Greenwood, Canada – $360,000 5 – Aleks Ponakovs, Latvia – $285,500 61 entries | Prize pool: $3,660,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #10 – $125K NLH MAIN EVENT Bryn KennyKING KENNEY MAKES IT FOUR WITH CRUSHING MAIN EVENT WIN Already the No 1 on poker’s all time money list, New Yorker Bryn Kenney further extended the gap between him and anybody else, taking down the no limit hold’em Main Event in Monaco for a fourth Triton title and another $4.41 million. Top five finishers: 1 – Bryn Kenney, USA – $4,410,000 2 – Wai Leong Chan, Malaysia – $2,970,000 3 – Punnat Punsri, Thailand – $2,045,000 4 – Bob Voulgaris, Canada – $1,665,000 5 – Jonathan Jaffe, USA – $1,330,000 125 entries | Prize pool: $6,250,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #9 – $50K NLH 7-HANDED Jesse LonisJESSE LONIS GRINDS OUT MAIDEN WIN IN SWINGY $50K Although a relative newcomer to the Triton Series, Jesse Lonis showed all his experience to prevail from a short-stacked, swingy final table and beat Punnat Punsri heads up for a first title on the tour. Top five finishers: 1 – Jesse Lonis, USA – $1,502,000 2 – Punnat Punsri – $1,021,000 3 – Dan Smith, USA – $675,000 4 – Leonard Maue, Germany – $556,000 5 – Daniel Rezaei, Austria – $446,000 125 entries | Prize pool: $6,250,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #8 – $200K TRITON INVITATIONAL Patrik AntoniusNEW HIGH FOR HALL OF FAMER PATRIK ANTONIUS In the year of his induction to the Poker Hall of Fame, Monaco resident Patrik Antonius landed the biggest tournament win of his career to date in the spectacular Triton Invitational — and said he’s just getting started. Top five finishers: 1 – Patrik Antonius, Finland – $5,130,000 2 – Vladimir Korzinin, Estonia – $3,470,000 3 – Espen Jorstad, Norway – $2,255,000 4 – Roman Hrabec, Czech Republic – $1,867,000 5 – Mikalai Vaskaboinikau, Belarus – $1,506,000 102 entries | Prize pool: $20,400,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #7 – $30K NLH BOUNTY QUATTRO Artur MartirosianMARTIROSIAN WINS ALL RUSSIAN HEADS-UP FOR TURBO TRIUMPH The fast-paced Quattro Bounty Turbo lived up to expectation with an all-action blast through a 105-entry field, ending with Russia’s Artur Martirosian claiming his eighth bounty in eliminating his countryman Nikita Kuznetcov heads-up. Top five finishers: 1 – Artur Martirosian, Russia – $531,000 + $360,000 in bounties 2 – Nikita Kuznetcov, Russia – $358,000 + $80,000 in bounties 3 – Jamil Wakil, Canada – $233,000 + $120,000 in bounties 4 – Adrian Mateos, Spain – $193,000 + $120,000 in bounties 5 – Ren Lin, China – $156,000 + $80,000 in bounties 105 entries | Prize pool: $3,150,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #6 – $100K NLH 8-HANDED Pieter AertsAERTS RETURNS TO CLAIM SECOND TITLE IN LATE-NIGHT EPIC Belgian pro Pieter Aerts outlasted Malaysia’s Michael Soyza in the longest tournament of the festival so far, coming back from the brink of elimination several times to land a career-best $2.2m prize after a four-way deal. Top five finishers: 1 – Pieter Aerts, Belgium – $2,234,587* 2 – Michael Soyza, Malaysia – $2,305,000* 3 – Fedor Holz, Germany – $1,528,097* 4 – Mario Mosböck, Austria – $1,544,316* 5 – Steve O’Dwyer, Ireland – $904,000 131 entries | Prize pool: $13,100,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #5 – $50K NLH 8-HANDED Alex FoxenFORMIDABLE FOXEN RETURNS WITH $50K TRIUMPH Alex Foxen has spent five years away from the Triton Series but quickly got back in the saddle in Monte Carlo, blazing through the final day of the $50K and winning more than $1.4 million in the process. Top five finishers: 1 – Alex Foxen, USA – $1,470,000* 2 – Aleks Ponakovs, Latvia – $915,000* 3 – Marius Kudzmanas, Lithuania – $922,000* 4 – Dominykas Mikolaitis, Lithuania – $964,000* 5 – Xu Liang, China – $507,000 147 entries | Prize pool: $7,350,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #3 – $40K MYSTERY BOUNTY 7-HANDED Roman HrabecROMAN HRABEC ENDS BARREN RUN WITH SECOND TRITON TITLE He said that a dry spell had left him complaining about his ill fortune at the tables, but Roman Hrabec bounced back in style to beat Samuel Mullur heads up, after an ICM chop, and win a second Triton title of his career. Top five finishers: 1 – Roman Hrabec, Czech Republic – $622,019* 2 – Samuel Mullur, Austria – $463,000* 3 – Morten Klein, Norway – $318,000 4 – Luc Greenwood, Canada – $260,000 5 – Ossi Ketola, Finland – $207,000 144 entries | Prize pool: $4,320,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #2 – $30K NLH 8-HANDED Kayan MokriKAYHAN MOKRI GATHERS MORE GOLD A stellar year at the high stakes tournament tables hit a new high for Norway’s Kayhan Mokri as he took down the $30K no limit hold’em and the first seven-figure payout of the series. Top five finishers: 1 – Kayhan Mokri, Norway – $1,005,000 2 – Paulius Vaitiekunas, Lithuania – $680,000 3 – Alex Kulev, Bulgaria – $454,000 4 – Orpen Kisacikoglu, Turkey – $371,000 5 – Patrik Antonius, Finland – $298,000 144 entries | Prize pool: $4,320,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS EVENT #1 – $25K WPT GLOBAL ULTIMATE SLAM Brian KimBRIAN KIM GETS THERE AT LAST After three runner-up finishes, and numerous other deep runs, the Californian pro Brian Kim finally got over the line on the Triton Series to kick off the Monte Carlo festival in style Top five finishers: 1 – Brian Kim, USA – $941,000 2 – Enrico Camosci, Italy – $634,000 3 – Alex Theologis, Greece – $436,000 4 – Roberto Perez, Spain – $356,000 5 – Tom Fuchs, Germany – $284,000 170 entries | Prize pool: $4,250,000FULL REPORT AND RESULTS

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